Selasa 14 Feb 2017 09:19 WIB

ACTA sues Jokowi to PTUN due to Ahok's status

Rep: Muhyiddin, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
On Monday, Advokat Cinta Tanah Air (ACTA) shows the document from the Administrative Court (PTUN) that record their case to sue President Joko Widodo.
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
On Monday, Advokat Cinta Tanah Air (ACTA) shows the document from the Administrative Court (PTUN) that record their case to sue President Joko Widodo.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Patriotic Advocates (ACTA) made a sue to the Administrative Court (PTUN). They asked the government to issue a decree to temporarily suspend Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) as Jakarta governor. 
The sue had been administered with number 36/G/2017/PTUN under the name of ACTA's advisor Habiburokhman. The defendant was the Indonesian President Joko Widodo or Jokowi.
The Deputy of General Secretary of ACTA, Yustian Dewi Widiastuti, said the team had strong reason to submit the sue. It was based on Article 83 of Law No. 23 in 2014 on Regional Government. By his status as a defendant, the government did not temporarily suspend Ahok.
"The Ministry of Domestic Affairs did not issue a decree. Temporary suspension decree. In fact it was clear that Ahok was a defendant," said Dewi to reporters in Jakarta on Monday (13/2). 
The Chairman of ACTA, Kris Ibnu, said he was optimistic to win the sue. Verse 1 of Article 83 clearly mentioned "The regional head or deputy regional head was temporarily suspend without a recommendation from the regional house of representatives as charged doing a criminal defense with minimum penalty of five years of imprisonment, corruption, treason, and a crime disrupting the national security system, and/or other act to split the unity of Indonesia." 


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