Senin 03 Jul 2017 04:19 WIB

Transportation service system to be included in the bill

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Chairman of Commission V of the House of Representatives, Fary Djemy Francis
Foto: DPR RI
Chairman of Commission V of the House of Representatives, Fary Djemy Francis

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BAKAUHENI -- Chairman of Commission V of the House of Representatives Fary Djemy Francis said transportation services system would be included into the bill. It was aimed at giving better services than ever before.

“Transportation services for Lebaran 2017 at Bakauheni Harbor had been very well. This kind of services would be discussed on the bill with transportation intermodal system,” said Fary at Bakauheni Harbor, South Lampung, on Sunday (July 2).

Fary said the services system for homecoming and reverse, especially at Bakauheni Harbor, had been conducted very well. Some innovation had been made by PT ASDP’s management and the operators. It was expected to be improved by a bill on transportation intermode.

“Transportation intermode would make the travelers to go into the ships, trains or planes,” he said.

PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry Bakauheni Branch had added the locket from 14 to 46 during the homecoming and reverse. It was a good solution for unraveling the congestion. Fary reported that the innovation had decreased the congestion into 15 percents. The online ticketing system was also a new solution. Fary said this year succeed would be implemented and improved next year. However, the model should be included into the bill.

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi stated similar opinion. He said the homecoming and reverse services had been better. But, it needed an evaluation and improvement in some areas. He said the additional lockets avoided the buildup at one point.

“Moreover, two and four wheels vehicles were separated, so the traffic to the harbor was smooth,” said Budi.

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