Kamis 13 Jul 2017 08:02 WIB

'Perppu 2/2017 is not intended only for one organization'

Rep: Kabul Astuti, Crystal Liestia Purnama/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H Laoly
Foto: Republika/ Yasin Habibi
Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H Laoly

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The government have issued Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) RI 2/2017 on Amandment of Law 17/2013 on Mass Organization, on Wednesday (July 12). Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H Laoly said the Perppu is not intended only for one organization.

 In recent months, the plan to dissolve of one of mass organizations plan, Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), emerged. 

“Of course it was not only for one organization. It targeted organizations whom ideology are contrary to the country's ideology. So we did not issue the Perppu specifically for a certain mass organization,” said Yasonna Laoly after meeting with Commision III at the Parliament Building on Wednesday (July 12).

Yasonna said that in the future the Perppu will become a reference in the dissolution of other mass orgnizations that are against the state ideology. 

According to Yasonna, the Perppu has been discussed thoroughly with Coordinator Ministry of Politic, Law and Security, both in terms of consideration to be a Perppu or in terms of substance.

Yasonna was reluctant to discuss the dynamics in the House of Representatives (DPR) regarding the Perppu. The House has approximately three months in the next session to determine whether to reject or approve the Perppu.  

Yasonna said that the Perppu is needed because the existing mass organizations law has not regulate comprehensively about the dissolution of mass organizations that conflict with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.  Meanwhile, the government saw that there are certain mass organizations whose actives are not in line with the state ideology. “The exisiting mass organization’s law hardly allow us to dissolve like that, so it’s very difficult,” said Yasonna.

The Perppu stipulates that Law 17/2013 on Mass Organizations urges immidiate change because it has not been comprehensively regulated on mass organizations that are against the Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, resulting in a legal vacuum in the case of effective sanctions.

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