Selasa 24 Oct 2017 02:02 WIB

Association calls on fishermen to comply with trawl ban rule

Fishermen repaired a cantrang net (trawls) at Karangsong, Indramayu, West Java, Wednesday (February 11).
Foto: Antara/Dedhez Anggara
Fishermen repaired a cantrang net (trawls) at Karangsong, Indramayu, West Java, Wednesday (February 11).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN -- The North Sumatra branch of the Indonesian Association of Fishermen (HINSI) calls on all fishermen in the country to comply with the government regulation banning fishing with seine net and trawls.

Deputy Chairman of the North Sumatra branch of HINSI Nazli said fishing with seine nets and trawls is prohibited by the regulation of the Marine and Fisheries Minister No. 2 in 2015.

The regulation is for the sustainability of the country's fishery potential, Nazli said here on Monday, adding the two fishing gears would damage the environment and could eliminate fishery resources.

"The regulation is to recover the country's fishery resources, which has damaged by long use of the seine nets and trawls," he said.

He said he knew the regulation has drawn protests especially from traditional fishermen, who are not aware of the potential damage caused by fishing using seine nets and trawl.

He said fishermen have to abide by the regulation as it is issued for the long term interest of the fishermen themselves.

"The regulation is expected to prevent the ecosystem from total destruction with the use of the two types of fish net," he added.

Nazli said he is aware that the regulation has direct impact on thousands of fishermen, who might lose their livelihood, resulting in an increase in unemployment and growing poverty.

"However, fishermen have to comply with the policy and regulation of the Marine and Fisheries Minister. There is sanction against violation of the regulation," he said.

sumber : Antara
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