Kamis , 18 May 2017, 08:03 WIB
Jumat , 19 Jan 2018, 00:45 WIB
Minister to establish task force of fishing gear switching
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti planned to form an internal Task Force of Switching of Fishing Gear to help fishermen switch their fishing gear...
Sabtu , 16 Dec 2017, 00:45 WIB
Susi urges fishermen to stop using trawl, seine nets
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN -- Marine and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti has announced the use of trawl and seine nets in fishing in Indonesian waters would be banned starting next year. "As from January 15 in 2018, there would be no trawlers and seine nets operating in Indonesian waters," Susi said in a dialog with large group of traditional fishermen in Bedagai,...
Selasa , 24 Oct 2017, 02:02 WIB
Association calls on fishermen to comply with trawl ban rule
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN -- The North Sumatra branch of the...
Senin , 18 Sep 2017, 18:30 WIB
Minister reminds regional administrations of sea zonation
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Marine and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti...
Rabu , 12 Jul 2017, 05:45 WIB
Jokowi advises Pudjiastuti to end dispute on cantrang issue
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia's Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister...