Senin 27 Nov 2017 21:22 WIB

Setnov's pretrial result not to improve Golkar's image

Rep: Mabruroh, Idealisa Masyrafina/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Golkar party chairman Setya Novanto
Foto: republika
Golkar party chairman Setya Novanto

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Executive director of Parameter Politics Indonesia, Adi Prayitno assessed that the pretrial result filed by Setya Novanto will not bring good impression to Golkar party's image

The bad image could only be wiped out by holding an Extraordinary National Assembly (Munaslub) and dismissal of Novanto from the position of Golkar party's general chairman.

"Whatever the outcome of pretrial, win or lose, Golkar is already have bad image. The trend is negative," said Adi to, Monday (November 27).

The proof is based on survey results of Poltracking Indonesia, electability of Golkar party dropped to third position followed by Gerindra who occupies the second position. 

It proved that the corruption case of e- ID procurement that ensnare Novanto has significant effect to Golkar Party.

"Even without pretrial decision, this case has enough significant effect to Golkar. Poltracking survey results showed Golkar has been overtaken by Gerindra is a real example," said Adi. 

Golkar party electability decreased based on Poltracking Indonesia's survey results. Golkar occupied only third place with 10.9 percent overtaken by Gerindra in second position with 13.6 percent.

Meanwhile, Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) ranked first with 24,3 percent.

Novanto has been detained by Corruption Eradication Commission in e-ID card graft case. 

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