Jumat 02 Mar 2018 19:28 WIB

'Arrest of MCA members not to oppress Muslim community'

Minister Rudiantara says MCA members spread content that can create commotion.

Rep: Debbie Sutrisno Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Minister of Communication and Informatics Rudiantara
Foto: Republika/Edi Yusuf
Minister of Communication and Informatics Rudiantara

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,  JAKARTA -- Minister of Communication and Informatics Rudiantara said the arrest a number of members Family Muslim Cyber Army (MCA) groups by the police was not to oppress the activities of Muslim community in providing information. He explained the group was secured due to contents that they spread in social media.

"Fake news and racial, tribal, and religious (SARA) issues can cause people to get wrong information and create commotion," he said

According to Rudiantara, the ministry did not recognize social media users based on their groups. The ministry paid attention only to the content. 

"We oversee the content. If it is a fake news, we will act," he said at State Palace on Friday (March 2).

Ministry of Communication and Informatics will act based on ITE Law. Therefore, if there is any violation, the ministry will act immediately.

National Police have arrested six administrators of Family MCA. It was a secret group that allegedly spread fake news and provocative issues related to sentiments against tribal affiliation, religion, race, and societal groups (SARA) through social medias and chat applications. 

Also read: How to detect the real vs fake Muslim Cyber Army?

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