Selasa 03 Apr 2018 22:48 WIB

Sukmawati's statement is a blasphemy: KBPII

KBPII asks the police to question Sukmawati over her poem.

Rep: Muhammad Subarkah, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Sukmawati Sukarnoputri
Foto: dok. Republika
Sukmawati Sukarnoputri

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,  JAKARTA -- Executive Board of the Indonesian Muslim Student Family (KBPlI) chairman Nasrullah Larada commented on the poetry titled "Ibu Indonesia" (Indonesian mothers) written by Sukmawati Soekarnoputri. He said the poetry has defamed Islam.

"If Sukmawati doesn't understand about Islamic Sharia, it's her own business. She shouldn't have to insult the belief of Muslim people and defame the religion," said Nasrullah on Tuesday (April 3).

KBPII expected police to investigate Sukmawati alleged blasphemous statement against Islam. Nasrullah asserted if authorities do not solve this case, it means police ignores Pancasila.

"In history, Soekarno as Sukmawati's father has never acted like his daughter. He respected Islamic Sharia," Nasrullah added.

Sukmawati read her poem on the commemoration of Anne Avanties journey as kebaya (Javanese blouse) designer during Indonesia Fashion Week 2018 event at Jakarta Convention Centre. In the first line of her poem, she wrote "I did not understand about Islamic Sharia." Then she also said that women with bun were prettier than women with veil. Sukmawati also mentioned about the sound of Indonesian mothers songs that are more melodious than azan (call to prayer).

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