Kamis 05 Apr 2018 16:42 WIB

Terawan not fired, only suspended: IDI

IDI can not disclose the reason of suspension against Terawan.

Rep: Febrianto Adi Saputro, Umar Mukhtar, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Doctor Terawan Agus Putranto
Foto: Republika/Erik PP
Doctor Terawan Agus Putranto

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) Chairman-elected doctor Daeng M Faqih denied the organization has fired doctor Terawan Agus Putranto due to a number of violations of ethics. He explained Terawan who is also the head Gatot Subroto Army Hospital was suspended temporarily from his job as a medical doctor by Council Code of Medical Ethics (MKEK).

"He was suspended, not fired," he said when contacted by Republika.co.id on Thursday (April 5).

However, Daeng said MKEK's consideration in Terawan suspension could not be disclosed to the public. He felt overwhelmed to know the information was leaked to the public.

Daeng said IDI would communicate with Army officials, especially the leader in the location of Terawan's service. IDI also would give an opportunity for Terawan to defend himself before the special forum of profession.

Minister of Health Nila F Moeloek expected IDI and MKEK could solve the problem with Terawan internally. However, Nila said Ministry of Health is ready to mediate the problem.

She asserted MKEK, IDI, and Terawan should meet." We will mediate the meeting between those parties, if they couldnt solve the problem internally," Nila said on Thursday (April 5).

Meanwhile, Commission IX House of Representative would summon related parties on Monday (April 9). Head of the commission, Dede Yusuf said the Commission members, IDI, MKEK, Indonesian Medical Council (KKI), RSPAD, and Terawan would sit together to solve the problem.

Terawan who is a radiologist has performed a modified Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) as stroke intervention. The method was popular with the term "brain wash".

A number of public figures have defended Terawan by claiming they experienced a significant improvement after receiving the treatment. However, his method was considered unusual by Indonesian doctors.

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