Kamis 12 Apr 2018 08:02 WIB

Circulation of miras oplosan must be zero before Ramadhan

Miras oplosan is an old crime but re-emerged with new method, police says.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Deputy national police chief, Commisioner General Syafruddin
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Deputy national police chief, Commisioner General Syafruddin

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Deputy national police chief, Commisioner General Syafruddin has said the police have set a target of making Indonesia free of circulation of illegal alcoholic drinks by end of April 2018 or before the upcoming Ramadhan fasting month. Recently, dozens of people have died after consuming made by liquor mixed with dangerous substances.

"(Circulation of dangerously mixed alcoholic drinks or 'oplosan' in a local term) across Indonesia must be zero. The target must be met this month," Syafruddin said in South Jakarta on Wednesday, commenting on planned raids against alcoholic drinks made by mixing them with dangerous substanced or locally called "miras oplosan".

According to him, the "miras oplosan" case is a classic matter which then re-emerged in a new trend.

"This is an old crime but done with a new method. This crime has long been existing in the community," the deputy national police chief explained.