Ahad 03 Jun 2018 05:55 WIB

Recalibration of regional security important: Ryacudu

Ryacudu says terrorism was not done by Islam but in the name of Islam.

Defence Minister, Ryamizard Ryacudu delivers a speech in Shangri-la Dialogue 2018 in Singapura, Saturday, (June 2).
Foto: istimewa
Defence Minister, Ryamizard Ryacudu delivers a speech in Shangri-la Dialogue 2018 in Singapura, Saturday, (June 2).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Defence Minister, Ryamizard Ryacudu, stressed the importance of recalibrating the security architecture of the Indo-Pacific region at the 2018 Shangri-la dialogue forum in Singapore on Saturday. He said the recalibration was essential for the authorities to handle every threat and challenge in the region appropriately.

It was the duty of leaders of every country to ensure the security of their citizens and realize the common good, the Minister said in his speech. Ryamizard said the recalibration of the Indonesia-Pacific security architecture could begin by spreading the understanding that terrorism was not done by Islam but in the name of Islam.

"For this, Islamic countries are expected to provide enlightenment through mosques, television, radio and social media about the threat of terror that uses Islam," the Minister said.

They should also seek information about the activities and identities of those involved with terror groups such as the ISIS in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan. They should also start finding out where the funds were coming from. "Spread out and close their networks, including social media networks," said Ryamizard.

"I have confidence that with good intentions and clear minds, the existing problems can certainly be solved together," said the four-star General.

The Shangri-la dialogue is a Ministerial-level forum scheduled from June 1 to 3. Ryamizard also met the US Defence Secretary, James Mattis, the Singapore Defence Minister, Eng Hen, and New Zealand's Defence Minister, Ron Mark.

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