Jumat 08 Jun 2018 21:12 WIB

KPK asks Bamsoet about transfer of fund to Golkar C Java

Bamsoet meets KPK investigator summon as witness in e-ID card graft case.

Rep: Dian Fath Risalah, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
House of Representatives (DPR) speaker Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) leaves KPK office after being questioned as witness for suspect Irvanto Hendra Pambudi and Made Oka Masagung in e-ID card graft case, Jakarta, on Friday (June 8).
Foto: ANTARA FOTO/Elang Senja
House of Representatives (DPR) speaker Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) leaves KPK office after being questioned as witness for suspect Irvanto Hendra Pambudi and Made Oka Masagung in e-ID card graft case, Jakarta, on Friday (June 8).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- House of Representatives (DPR) speaker Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) has met Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) summon to be examined as witness in e-ID card graft case on Friday (June 8). He missed the summon on Monday (June 4) then asked for re-schedule.

"I have met KPK summon and I appreciate the summon to give the information as required by investigators," said Bamsoet on Friday (June 8).

Bamsoet said he did not want any polemic between institutions. Therefore, he gave informations needed by KPK investigators.

One of those, Bamsoet said he was asked to give clarification about transfer fund as many as RP 50 million to Regional Representative Council (DPD) Golkar Party in Central Java. He admitted that he knew nothing about the transfer fund.

"In 2012 I was at Commission III House of Representatives so I didn't know about Commission II affairs," Bamsoet explained.

Furthermore, Bamsoet said in his examination, investigators also asked whether he knew Made Oka Masagung and Irvanto Hendra Pambudi. He claimed that he only knew Irvanto who is also former Golkar Party chairman Setya Novanto's nephew.

"Irvanto is also Golkar Party official and the question is ended there," Bamsoet added.

KPK has examined a number of witnesses from House of Representatives. A number of witnesses from the parliament, has been questioned for two suspects in e-ID card graft case, namely Irvanto Hendra Prambudi (IHP) and Made Oka Masagung (MOM).

According to the anti-graft institution spokesperson, Febri Diansyah, information from them are required to confirm the flow of funds and the process of e-ID card budgeting. Irvanto has been appointed as suspect in e-ID card graft case, together with businessman Made Oka on February 28. He allegedly follow the e-ID card procurement process with his company, PT Murakabi Sejahtera.

Irvanto also allegedly participated in several meetings along with e-ID card project provider team. He also suspected to have known there was a five percent fee request to ease the process of managing e-ID card.

He allegedly received a total of 3.4 million US dollars during the period January 19 to February 19, 2012. The money was allocated to former House of Representatives speaker Setya Novanto in layers, through several countries.

Meanwhile, Made Oka is PT Delta Energy owner, Special Purpose Vehicle (SVP) company in investment company in Singapore. He was suspected to act as company that hold the fund.

Through his two companies, Made Oka allegedly received 3,8 million US dollars as a designation to Setya which consists of 1.8 million US dollars. Receipts through OEM Investment Pte Ltd from Mauritius 's Biomorf and through PT Delta Energy' s account of 2 million US dollars. He is suspected of being an intermediary of bribes for House of Representatives members by five per cent of the e-ID card project.

Irvanto and Made Oka suspected violated Article 2 paragraph (1) or Article 3 Law No. 31/1999 as amended by Law No. 20/2001 on Corruption Eradication jo Article 55 paragraph (1) to 1 Criminal Code.

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