Selasa 24 Jul 2018 19:15 WIB

Two names available left for Prabowo's running mate: PA 212

PA 212 to announce Prabowo's running mate late in July.

Rep: Inas Widyanuratikah, Febrianto Adi Saputro/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
General Chairman of 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA 212) Slamet Maarif
Foto: Republika/Putra M. Akbar
General Chairman of 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA 212) Slamet Maarif

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- General Chairman of 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA 212) Slamet Maarif said the people's coalition have shrunk its list of candidates to pair with Prabowo Subianto in the upcoming presidential election 2019. From the list, two names left available for vice presidential candidate.

However, he refused to mention the names. "Hopefully, we will reach agreement to select one name soon," he said after meeting a number of politicians at Sultan Hotel, Jakarta, on Monday night.

According to Slamet, the two candidates have met qualifications set by the coalition. The figures are able to accomodate aspiration of the ummah, santri (Islamic boarding school students) and people outside Java Island.

"One candidate is from political party, while the other one is not," he stated.

Slamet said Prabowo's running mate in the presidential election 2019 will be announced ahead of Ijtima' Ulama on July 27 to 29.

Meanwhile, after the meeting, Prabowo left the hotel without answering to the reporters' questions. The former commander of the TNI special forces only smiled and waved his hands while rushing to his car at around 21.09 Western Indonesia Standard Time.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of Gerindra Party Sugiono also remained silent. He did not say a word about the result of the meeting.

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