Sabtu , 08 Sep 2018, 01:55 WIB
Prabowo comments on Erick's post as Jokowi's TKN chief

Kamis , 06 Sep 2018, 18:08 WIB
Tjahjo explains cause of duplication of voters data

Selasa , 04 Sep 2018, 17:19 WIB
Prabowo's camp rejects permanent voters list released by KPU

Sabtu , 01 Sep 2018, 02:15 WIB
Sandiaga Uno's political dowry case not proven: Bawaslu

Jumat , 24 Aug 2018, 19:12 WIB
PKS expects Gatot Nurmayanto to join opposition camp

Jumat , 24 Aug 2018, 06:30 WIB
Amien Rais discloses dynamics before Sandiaga’s name appear

Jumat , 24 Aug 2018, 04:45 WIB
PAN actually wants Anies Baswedan to run with Prabowo

Kamis , 23 Aug 2018, 21:10 WIB
Gatot rumored to join Prabowo camp, Sandi: Alhamdulillah

Jumat , 10 Aug 2018, 20:10 WIB
Succession of power should be done fairly: Prabowo

Jumat , 10 Aug 2018, 18:28 WIB
Former presidents' sons, daughters support Prabowo-Sandi

Jumat , 10 Aug 2018, 17:57 WIB
PA 212, GNPF to decide its stance on presidential election

Jumat , 10 Aug 2018, 16:23 WIB
Sandiaga resigns as Jakarta deputy governor

Prabowo's camp is still waiting PKS decision
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The opposition camp has not declared their presidential and vice presidential candidate yet. Meanwhile, the government coalition has decided to pair the incumbent President Joko Widodo with Nahdlatul Ulama's supreme leader KH Ma'ruf Amin.According to Gerindra Party Secretary-General Ahmad Muzani, Prabowo coalition was still waiting for Prosperous Justice Party (PKS)'s decision. Gerindra also waited for Democratic...

Kamis , 09 Aug 2018, 02:18 WIB
Opposition camp discusses AHY and Sandiaga as vp candidates

Rabu , 08 Aug 2018, 17:42 WIB
Prabowo visits Salim Segaf Al-Jufri's house

Rabu , 08 Aug 2018, 14:54 WIB
Prabowo's running mate to be decided today

Selasa , 07 Aug 2018, 21:38 WIB
Anies reluctant to comment much on his nomination

Selasa , 07 Aug 2018, 03:30 WIB
Tjahjo checks KPU's readiness for receiving registration

Senin , 06 Aug 2018, 19:30 WIB
Prabowo pocketed two names as running mate candidates

Rabu , 01 Aug 2018, 01:19 WIB
Prabowo asks SBY to be his mentor: Politician

Selasa , 31 Jul 2018, 19:33 WIB
Jokowi axis' says SBY-Prabowo coalition not final yet

Selasa , 31 Jul 2018, 18:28 WIB
Gerindra, PKS and PAN to meet tonight

Selasa , 31 Jul 2018, 18:11 WIB
Prabowo has moral obligation to follow ulema' recommendation

Kamis , 26 Jul 2018, 14:16 WIB
I don't need Jokowi's permit, I'm not his subordinate: SBY

Rabu , 25 Jul 2018, 17:02 WIB
Democratic Party, Gerindra are against Islamophobia: SBY

Pair up with AHY? Prabowo says 'why not'
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Gerindra Party chief patron Prabowo Subianto did not deny the possibility that he would pair up with Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) in 2019 presidential election. He would answer "why not" if AHY’s name appeared. “To be honest, I need a running mate who can communicate well with young generation and if AHY’s name appear, I would...

Kamis , 19 Jul 2018, 16:57 WIB
Intensive communication with Gerindra continues: AHY

Rabu , 18 Jul 2018, 14:49 WIB
SBY gets hospitalized, fails to meet Prabowo today

Senin , 16 Jul 2018, 19:53 WIB
SBY and Prabowo will meet on Wednesday afternoon

Rabu , 23 May 2018, 03:45 WIB
Fadli Zon hopes Democratic Party to join Gerindra coalition

Jumat , 20 Apr 2018, 03:50 WIB
Gerindra seeks to meet requirements for presidential bid

Jumat , 13 Apr 2018, 05:50 WIB
About coalition, PAN: Just wait for the right time

Kamis , 12 Apr 2018, 19:20 WIB