Selasa 31 Jul 2018 21:56 WIB

Four jet fighters to greet Asian Games torch

The torch to arrive in Roesmin Nurjadin Airbase, Riau, on Aug 1.

Asian Games torch tours 53 cities and districts in 18 Indonesian provinces.
Foto: republika
Asian Games torch tours 53 cities and districts in 18 Indonesian provinces.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Four jet fighters from Squadrons 16 and 12 of the Roesmin Nurjadin Airbase, Riau, are ready to greet the Asian Games 2018 torch. The torch expected to arrive in the provincial capital of Pekanbaru on Aug 1.

"Our jet fighters will escort the arrival of the Asian Games torch from Silangit, North Sumatra," Major Sus Rindar, chief of the airbase's information center, stated in Pekanbaru on Tuesday.

The torch will be flown from the Silangit International Airport in North Sumatra to the Roesmin Nurjadin Airbase in Riau aboard a Hercules C-130 aircraft of the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU), he stated.

The Hercules aircraft will fly from North Sumatra to Riau under the escort of two jet fighters, F16 Fighting Falcon and Hawk 100/200, he revealed. Commander of the Roesmin Nurjadin Airbase Colonel Ronny Irianto and communication forum of regional heads (Forkompinda) will greet the torch upon arrival at the airbase, he noted.

On a separate occasion, Doni Aprialdi, chief of the Riau provincial youths and sports office, made assurance that preparations to greet the torch are 100 percent complete.

Secretary of the Riau Provincial Government Ahmad Hijazi remarked that the torch is scheduled to arrive in Pekanbaru on Wednesday evening, and the Riau governor and Forkopimda will greet it.

"The torch will be taken to Siak at night," he said, adding that the torch will be taken back to Pekanbaru to be kept at the Regional Building on Gajah Mada Street. The torch will be taken to Puncak Lawang, Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, on Thursday (Aug 2).

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