Sabtu 27 Oct 2018 04:00 WIB

Islamic figures convey joint statement on tawheed flag case

Kalla invites leaders of Islamic organizations to his official residence on Friday.

Rep: Rizky Jaramaya/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Vice President Jusuf Kalla (third left) and Minister of State Secretary Pratikno (second left), TNI Chief Hadi Tjahjanto (left) hold a meeting with Muhammadiyah Chairman Haedar Nashir (right), former Supreme Leader of NU KH Ma'ruf Amin (second right), Nahdlatul Ulama Chairman Said Agil Siradj (third right) and other Islamic organizations leaders at vice president official residence, Jakarta, Friday (Oct 26).
Foto: Antara/Aprillio Akbar
Vice President Jusuf Kalla (third left) and Minister of State Secretary Pratikno (second left), TNI Chief Hadi Tjahjanto (left) hold a meeting with Muhammadiyah Chairman Haedar Nashir (right), former Supreme Leader of NU KH Ma'ruf Amin (second right), Nahdlatul Ulama Chairman Said Agil Siradj (third right) and other Islamic organizations leaders at vice president official residence, Jakarta, Friday (Oct 26).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Vice President Jusuf Kalla has invited Islamic organizations leaders to discuss tawheed flag burning incident. The case has triggered massive protest in some regions.

"We talked for almost 2.5 hours and we decided to make a joint statement," Kalla said on Friday (Oct 26).

The meeting resulted with five points of statements. First of all, they reminded that Indonesia has always solve all problems through deliberation and mutual understanding while maintaining unity with the wisdom and noble values of the nation.

Secondly, they regretted the burning of flag in Limbangan, Garut, West Java. They agreed to maintain an atmosphere of peace and tried to reduce the heat to prevent the case develop in an undesirable direction.