Participants of the second tawheed defense rally start to walk from Masjid Istiqlal to State Palace, Friday (Nov 2).

Tawheed rally participants to pray for Lion Air victims

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Chairman of Alumni 212, Slamet Maarif said he participants of tawheed (Laa Ilaha Ilallah, the oneness of God) defense rally II will hold joint prayer prior to the protest of tawheed flag-burning incident. He stated the rally will be attended by tens of thousands people. “Today, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands people will begin...

Tawheed flag. (Illustration)

Selasa , 30 Oct 2018, 00:17 WIB

Police names tawheed flag burners as suspects

Direktur Jenderal Politik dan Pemerintahan Umum Kemendagri Soedarmo.

Sabtu , 27 Oct 2018, 23:40 WIB

Kemendagri Jawab Soal Isu Pembubaran Ormas

Pengasuh Pondok Pesantren Tebu Ireng Solahuddin Wahid atau yang akrab disapa Gus Sholah.

Sabtu , 27 Oct 2018, 22:10 WIB

Imbauan Gus Sholah Soal Insiden Bendera di Garut

Kasus ribut pembakaran bendera.

Sabtu , 27 Oct 2018, 08:58 WIB

Belajar dari Polemik Pembakaran Bendera Tauhid

Muslims take to the street over tawheed flag burning incident. They convey their aspirations to the Coordinating Ministry for Political and Security Affairs, Jakarta, Friday (Oct 27).

Jumat , 26 Oct 2018, 22:57 WIB

Muslims take to the street over flag burning case

Rayah and liwa’ flags bearing La ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasulullah.

Jumat , 26 Oct 2018, 17:13 WIB

Police declare tawheed flag burners innocent

Ketua GP Ansor, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas.

Kamis , 25 Oct 2018, 20:58 WIB

GP Ansor Ajak Berdiskusi Soal Bendera

Wali Kota Bandung Oded M Danial

Pascapembakaran Bendera, Oded Harap Bandung Tetap Kondusif

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- Wali Kota Bandung, Oded M. Danial menyayangkan insiden pembakaran bendera tauhid di Garut. Namun, ia meminta masyarakat, khususnya warga Kota Bandung tidak terpancing emosi atas kejadian tersebut. Ia berharap tidak ada aksi-aksi yang membuat Kota Bandung menjadi tidak kondusif."Oleh karena itu urusan-urusan persoalan yang terjadi di Garut kan sudah ditangani sekarang. Kita sangat mendukung bagaimana penuntasan...