Rabu 07 Nov 2018 01:19 WIB

Busyro, Alumni 212 regretted verdict on flag-burning case

Busyro Muqaddas says the verdict on flag burning case is not appropriate.

Rep: Mabruroh, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Thousands of people staging a rally on Defend Tawheed 211 thronged the road around the National Monument (Monas) horse statue towards Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta, Friday (Nov 2).
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Thousands of people staging a rally on Defend Tawheed 211 thronged the road around the National Monument (Monas) horse statue towards Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta, Friday (Nov 2).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Muhammadiyah legal and human rights council chairman, M Busyro Muqoddas regretted Garut District Court panel of the judges verdict against tawheed (Laa Ilaha Ilallah, the oneness of God) flag-burning case defendants. On last Monday (Nov 5), the three defendants were sentenced to 10 days in jail and fine Rp 2,000.

“It’s not right, insensitive,” said Busyro to Republika.co.id, on Tuesday (Nov 6).

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Busyro said the police, prosecutors and judges are smart, especially when they are facing cases that had wide impact to the public. He assessed the intelligence should be reflected explicitly in the investigation report (BAP), demands, and verdicts.

Muhammadiyah legal and human rights council chairman, M Busyro Muqoddas.

Therefore, Busyro who is also former Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) chairman said the sentence to tawheed flag burning case defendants was not appropriate. He assessed it seems law has insulted religion.

“It is tantamount to insulting religion, society, and the rights and sense of justice of the community as well as insult Pancasila," Busyro added.

Meanwhile, chairman of Alumni 212, Slamet Maarif said the verdict has offended Muslims. He said the sentence was very far from Muslims’ demand, which had been conveyed through tawheed defense rally.

Chairman of Alumni 212, Slamet Maarif.

He said panel of the judges verdict to the defendants was very unfair. “For many times, we are really disappointed because this is just like random, indiscriminate verdict,” Slamet said.

Previously, panel of the judges at Garut District Court decided to sentence flag burners identified by their initials as M and F, as well as the bearer of the flag identified as U, to 10 days in jail. In addition, the three defendants must pay a court fee Rp2,000. The first sentence was handed down to F or Faisal Mubaroq and M or Mafhudin. They were found guilty of disturbing public order.

“Defendants have been proven and has been legitimate in carrying out act as in Article 174 Criminal Code (KUHP) due to disturb public order,” said presiding judge Hasanuddin on Monday.

Thousands of people take to the street to protest a flag bearing Tawheed sentence in front of Gedung Sate, Bandung, West Java, Friday (Oct 26).

The black flag bearing the Arabic writing of "Tawheed" was burned by several members of the Nahdlatul Ulama's Barisan Ansor Serba Guna (Banser) youth wing at a commemorative event of this year's National Santri Day in Garut, West Java Province, on Oct 22. Those committing the act were quoted by local media as saying that the flag that they had burned was that of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), an Islamic organization that the government had banned.

The police probed the flag-burning incident, which was deplored and condemned by various Islamic clerics arguing that the flag bearing the basic creed of Islam was commonly used by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). For billions of Muslims around the world, Tawheed is accepted as an absolute monotheism and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the messenger of Allah (Almighty God).

Thus, it holds an important position that differentiates Muslims from those not embracing Islam. Hence, the burning of the flag cannot then be accepted by so many Muslim community members in the country, as the Tawheed written on the flag belongs to all Muslims.

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