Rabu 07 Nov 2018 17:28 WIB

Tawheed flag-burning case is over: M Siddiq

M Siddiq says people who are not satisfied with the verdict can file another lawsuit.

Rep: Amri Amrullah, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
MUI Advisory Council member, Muhammad Siddiq
Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang
MUI Advisory Council member, Muhammad Siddiq

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Advisory Council assessed tawheed (Laa Ilaha Ilallah, the oneness of God) flag-burning case has been settled with the verdict that issued by panel of judges at Garut District Court, West Java, on last Monday (Nov 5). The three defendants were sentenced to 10 days in jail and a fine of Rp2,000.

According to MUI Advisory Council member, Muhammad Siddiq, the verdict for three defendants was the result of law enforcement process. He said it must be respected by all parties, although it seemed formalistic. He said the verdict was too light.

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“The legal process against defendants is an attempt by all parties to reach solution over tawheed flag-burning case. I think it has been settled with this legal decision,” Siddiq who is also the chairperson of the Indonesian Islamic Da'wah Council (DDII) said on Tuesday (Nov 6).

Siddiq admitted some people are not satisfied with the verdict. He asked them to take another legal step. However, he stressed Muslims attitude to give the case through trial is the most appropriate way.