Selasa 04 Dec 2018 19:13 WIB

TNI struggles to reach location of massacre in Nduga

Armed Criminal Group attacks, kills Istaka Karya workers in Nduga, Papua, on Sunday.

Rep: Ronggo Astungkoro, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
TNI personnels in Papua. (Illustration)
Foto: Antara/Anang Budiono
TNI personnels in Papua. (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Indonesian Military (TNI) tried to reach Kali Yigi and Aurak, Nduga Regency, Papua Province where Istaka Karya project workers killed. According to Lt. Col. Dax Sianturi, it was difficult to reach the location.

“We only able to check the location in the morning because with its heavy terrain it's hard to reach Nduga in the night,” said Dax on Tuesday (Dec 4).

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Beside the terrain, TNI also struggles to communicate as no signals in remote area. Therefore, last night Dax cannot confirm the information about the incident.

As many as 31 workers of Istaka Karya project were allegedly killed by Armed Criminal Group (KKB) on Sunday (Dec 2). Based on information by Papua Police, 24 among the workers were killed first.

Then, eight workers had escaped, but catched by KKB. Seven of them were killed on Monday (Dec 3) and only one who was not found.

Papua Police explained the chronology of incident. It started when manager of Istaka Karya project there, Cahyo got a call from Jhoni’s phone.

“But Cahyo did not understand with what the caller talked about,” said Papua Police spokesman Mustofa Kamal.

Jhoni is known carrying out the construction of a bridge at Aurak-Yigi River, Nduga. Meanwhile, a Bina Marga employee named Monang Tobing conducted communication with Jhoni on Nov 30. The caller who contacted Cahyo was allegedly a KKB member who kidnapped workers.

Personnels from TNI and National Police area were ready to evacuate victims. They have been deployed, also to arrest the perpetrators.

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