Kamis 13 Dec 2018 19:00 WIB

House speaker urges UN to name OPM as terrorist organization

OPM has brutally killed and terrorized innocent civilians.

Rep: Fauziah Mursid, Idealisa Masyrafina/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
House of representative's (DPR RI) speaker, Bambang Soesatyo (right)
Foto: Antara/Akbar Nugroho Gumay
House of representative's (DPR RI) speaker, Bambang Soesatyo (right)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- House of representative's (DPR RI) speaker, Bambang Soesatyo revealed the parliament's desire to urge the United Nations (UN) to include the Free Papua Organization (OPM) as a terrorist organization. According to Bambang, the massacres by armed criminal groups (KKSB) were beyond the limits of humanity and could be categorized as terrorist acts.

"If we want, we can urge UN to include OPM as a terrorist organization," Bambang said in the closing speech of the second plenary session in 2018-2019, Thursday (Dec 13).

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He also considered their acts based on the definition of a terrorist organization in the United Nations itself. The group had brutally killed and terrorized innocent civilians.

"The parliament expressed their deep concern and condolences towards the victims and their families of shooting by the armed criminal groups who had acted beyond humanity and actually could be categorized as terrorist acts," Bambang said.

The parliament also strongly condemned armed groups in Papua who had committed heinous acts against innocent citizens. He also hoped that there would be firm action from the Government in investigating the incident.

"The government can take firm and strict actions against the perpetrators and restore security conditions in Papua," he said.

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