Senin 06 Jan 2014 07:15 WIB

Transforming Mosque into a 'Center of Excellence' (1)

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Parni Hadi, Ketua Dewan Pembina Dompet Dhuafa
Foto: Agung Sasongko/ROL
Parni Hadi, Ketua Dewan Pembina Dompet Dhuafa

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By Parni Hadi (Board of Trustees Dompet Dhuafa)

Mosque as a place of prayer, dhikr and learning Alquran, all the people have recognized it. There are a lot of mosque functioned as a center of economic activity. There are mosques that provide health care for the poor, but are rare. There are mosque functioned as a place for to improve life skills.

And what do I mean by the mosque as a "Center of Excellence"? Namely, the mosque as a center of people's economics movements according to sharia, health care centers for free or cheap (with cross-subsidies) services and a training center for knowledge and skills for life such as foreign languages, alongside Arabic, computers and entrepreneurship. In addition, the mosque as a center of cultural development of the noble values  practiced directly, for example through volunteer activities and mosque-based Scout.

I am not an Ustaz. Based on a number of verses I knew and try to instill as per my ability and experience of a "parent" for friends and younger staff of Dompet Dhuafa board for 20 years, since a few months ago I ventured to propose a movement to make the mosque as a center of excellence.

Originally, it was Jaktim (East Jakarta) Chairman of the Board of Mosque invited me to deliver a lecture about it two months ago, then, at the Jami Masjid Al Mujahideen, Cakung, East Jakarta in lectures and discussions after Fajr prayer late last year. And, last Sunday, January 5, 2014 , in the "cerpen" (short lecture) with approximately 200 congregation member of Wasilah Subuh at Masjid Al Khairat, Halim Perdana Kusuma, also in East Jakarta.

Thank God, for the last occasion, a number of old acquaintances and friends were present. Among others, former Deputy Governor of DKI Museno, Commissioner General Anton Bachrul Alam, Maj. Gen. Arif Rahman, Head of Seskoad, Air Marshal TNI Sogiyarto, a Scouts activists. They were invited by the Chairman of Wadah Silaturrahmi Subuh, KH Abdul Malik.

The topic was "Empowering Mosque-based Communities". Thanks to a number of questions and proposals from the audience, the presentation was completed, thank God. Apparently, it's a  tit for tat.


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