Senin , 13 Jan 2014, 00:02 WIB
Citra Islami di Indonesia Memudar?
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Oleh Nazil Muhsinin*Kota-kota di Indonesia semakin mencitrakan diri sebagai kota industri yang modern, sejak supermarket dan swalayan sebagai pusat perbelanjaan modern banyak dibuka pada akhir...
Senin , 06 Jan 2014, 07:23 WIB
Transforming Mosque into a 'Center of Excellence' (4)
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By Parni Hadi (Board of Trustees Dompet Dhuafa) Health centers and trainingEconomically poor people can certainly poor in health, due to lack of nutrition and do not have enough money to maintain health. Therefore, in conjunction with economic empowerment, empowerment in health is very necessary. This can be done by setting up a health care center around the mosque...
Senin , 06 Jan 2014, 07:21 WIB
Transforming Mosque into a 'Center of Excellence' (3)
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By Parni Hadi (Board of Trustees Dompet Dhuafa) Legal...
Senin , 06 Jan 2014, 07:18 WIB
Transforming Mosque into a 'Center of Excellence' (2)
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By Parni Hadi (Board of Trustees Dompet Dhuafa) Great...
Senin , 06 Jan 2014, 07:15 WIB
Transforming Mosque into a 'Center of Excellence' (1)
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By Parni Hadi (Board of Trustees Dompet Dhuafa)Mosque...