Rabu 22 Jan 2014 18:48 WIB

Do not exploit flood victims!

Flood (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Flood (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By. Julkifli Marbun

Indonesian National Police will punish those who take own advantage from disaster situation.

"Do strict enforcement against criminals who take advantage of disaster situations," said National Police Chief Gen. Sutarman in his address read by the Head of Maintenance and Security Commissioner General of Police Badrodin Haiti on Disaster Preparation Assembly in Corps Command Headquarter of Police Brigade, Kelapa Dua, Depok, on Wednesday, as quoted by Antara.

Chief of Police also ordered to carry out patrols in areas abandoned by refugee communities to prevent looting, stealing or other crimes.

"Secure disaster evacuation sites and shelters," he said.

Sutarman also ordered to set up security posts at the site of the abandoned affected communities.

In addition, he also ordered the police to establish health teams to provide rescue and relief to the victims from police and victims family members.

Sutarman urged his subordinates to coordinate with BNPT, BPBDs, military and local governments and community elements to establish outposts and kitchen for refugee.

"Build a harmonious relationship with all personnel involved in disaster management as well as all citizens," he said.

In addition, he also ordered police to make people comfortable by serving them to feel under protection.

"I am confident and optimistic with all our limitation of facilities and infrastructure to provide the best for the community," he said.

The assembly preparation was done for dealing several disasters happened, like the eruption of Mount Sinabung in Tanah Karo, North Sumatra, Flood Jakarta, West Java and North Sulawesi and other regions.

During 2013, there were 693 natural disasters afflict nationwide which consists of 262 landslide, 95 flash flood, 44 robs, 1  volcanoes, 94 hurricanes and other disasters 171 times.

While non-natural disasters occurred during 2013 consisted of 424 fire disasters and others 24 times.

"Observing this numbers, it needs the necessary proactive measures to help members of the Police of the affected people," he said.

Another disaster emerged

Floods in Jakarta were affecting dozens of victims. Until now the water has not ended and tens of thousands of residents evacuated.

Hannan Putra from Republika reported that another disaster began to emerge in Depok that will affected capital.

Water retaining embankment in Situ Pedongkelan, Depok, was found broken. Several roads in Kelurahan Tugu Cimanggis Depok hit by water. The road was damage due to water erosion, leaving deep holes.

Monitored by ROL on Wednesday (22/1), the depth of the hole in Jalan Situ Pedongkelan reaches a meter.

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