Kamis 19 May 2016 20:39 WIB

Operation Tinombala will capture MIT’s Group

Foto: Antara/edy

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Erlangga Pratama *)

Operation Tinombala apparatus such as Military, Police and State Intelligence Agency (BIN) will success and group’s terrorist who is joined East Indonesia Mujahidin (MIT) will be defeated. One of proof is two members of the Santoso-led terrorist group East Indonesia Mujahidin (MIT) were killed during a shoot-out with the Operation Tinombala task force on Sunday in South Poso Pesisir district, Poso regency, Central Sulawesi. Operation Tinombala spokesman Adj. Sr. Comr. Hari Suprapto said the terrorists were found dead at 3:43 p.m. following a two-hour shoot-out at Mount Uwe Mayea, South Poso Pesisir.  The dead bodies would be transported by helicopter from the mountainous area to Bhayangkara Police Hospital in Palu for identification, Hari said.

Earlier on Sunday, the task force, which was patrolling in the Uwe Mayea area, spotted a group armed with rifles walking downhill to the Saatu River. They started to shoot at the group and the militants shot back, resulting in an exchange of fire. The shoot-out ended when the militants stopped shooting at the troops from their location in the hills. The task force immediately secured the area, which led to the discovery of the two fatalities and four bags containing supplies, Hari said.

While some of the troops swept the area, the others followed the remaining MIT members who had fled to the south and west. The troops continued pursuing the militants until late on Sunday night, Hari said.

Separately, National Police chief Gen. Badrodin Haiti confirmed that the militants belonged to the Santoso group. With the deaths of two more terrorist suspects, Santoso's group has further weakened, Badrodin said. "They are now down to 23 to 22 [members]," Badrodin said as quoted by kompas.com.

Officials have been intensifying the hunt for the MIT in recent weeks, with an additional 700 police and military personnel deployed to apprehend the group led by the so-called commander of the Islamic State (IS) movement in Indonesia.

The success will be continued

The implementation of Operation Tinombala is reflected as the seriousness of Indonesian goverment under Jokowi’s administration doesn’t surrender to a group’s terrorist or group’s separatist. However, a terroist action and a separatist movement are on the contrary to humankind value’s and democracy value’s. Those ones are breaking peaceful world agenda and also breaking a national integrity.

The main task of Indonesia’s Military (TNI) is protecting our state safety from anything threats especially its causing instability and a national security uncertainty. Whereas, the main task of Indonesia’s Police is protecting our national security from internal threats. Furthermore, the existance of MIT is targeted by TNI and Police to eliminate them.


The capability and the strenght of TNI doesn’t doubtful again because the members of TNI are always trained with high quality standard and they are ready to hunt and to defeat their enemies at whatever terrain must be faced. Meanwhile, the professionalism of Indonesia’s police to defeat terrorist group’s doesn’t doubtful too. Through Special Dettachment 88 (Densus 88), they have capability to detect and to defeat whereever terrorist group’s location.

Therefore, Santoso’s group isn’t enemy worth by TNI and Police. Defeating MIT’s group just only matter of time and operation Tinombala will be succeed.  Santoso’s group ought to surrender to Indonesia’s government, because their location is blockaded by TNI and Police. Obvious, Santoso's group has further weakened.

Besides that, Santoso’s group purpose doesn’t reach by them because moslem in Indonesia are a moderate moslem whose hate everyone who is provocated to do something which isn’t relevant with Islam teachings.

There is some possibilities which is caused Santoso’s group has further weakened. First, these group doesn’t have an enough material supplier including their sponsor has caught. Second, the members of MIT’s group has diminished after some of a shoot-out has happened between MIT and TNI/Police in another side. Third, the local resident in several village’s in Poso, Central Sulawesi doesn’t support these group’s again because the local resident already aware that MIT’s doesn’t a good friend for them. MIT’s has been a common enemies for Indonesian people especially moslem communities because the existance of MIT had been destroyed the potrait of Islam.

The best suggestion for Santoso’s group is as soon as possible to surrender to operation Tinombala apparatus. If they are rejected to surrender, operation Tinombala will be caputured them dead or alive. If it has happened, they has been faced a serious allegation and it could be taken a sentence death for their rebellion. But, if they are surrender, the goverment can give them an political amnesty after law enforcement process has been done.

The spesific messages from Santoso’s group is the struggle to implementing strictly ideology especially radical’s ideology can’t implement in Indonesia because Indonesia doesn’t a religious state. Besides that, a terrorist group’s struggle are destroyed the image of Islam.

 *The writer is a security and politic observer, focussing on terrorist threat. A doctoral candidate.

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