Selasa 26 Apr 2016 19:14 WIB

Insulting Indonesian President means insulting the NKRI

Foto: Antara/Zabur Karuru

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Herdiansyah Rahman*)

The Chairman of Aceh Transition Committee (KPA) chapter Pase, Tgk Zulkarnaini bin Hamzah, conveyed his impatience in waiting the finalization of the Helsinki Agreement by central government. Tengku Ni – his nickname – said that the central government has given too many promises.

“We are indeed in NKRI. However, the central government must commit to the agreement written in the MoU. We here control (the combatants) from lower to the top level for NKRI hoping that the central government will fulfil the rights of Aceh people,” said Tengku Ni during Prophet Muhammad PBUH Birthday Celebration (Maulid Nabi) in DPW PA Geudong North Aceh on Thursday (7/4).

 He also reminded the government that maintaining security in Aceh is not an easy task. In Free Aceh Movement (GAM) side, they have destroyed all weapons they previously had for the sake of Aceh people. Yet, the rejection of the points in Helsinki Peace Agreement as well as Local Legislation for Aceh Government could be considered as a signal to resume the armed conflict.

Many online media in Aceh also reported that Tengku Ni insulted President Jokowi during that Maulid Nabi occasion. He scolded President Jokowi in Aceh Language saying that he is scrawny and delivering other harsh words.  

No support

The statement made by Tengku Ni during Maulid Nabi Celebration that was considered as an insult to the President was not supported by Aceh people, in fact it received plenty critiques.

According to the Chair of Aceh Legal Consult Langsa, Muslim Agani, SH, Tengku Ni’s statement brought back his memory to the time he was at the college on which he learnt how to understand the character of society reflected on their local daily conversation. “Tengku Ni’s statement was indeed included in defamation of character category, hence it was not permitted,’’ he said.

However, looking at the culture of Aceh people, there are some places in which such language is usual to be used in daily conversation, for instance in seaboard areas, the statement does not mean anything because they simply do not have the knowledge on how to speak politely especially to a head of country.

“All these are caused by limited capacity of human resources, and related to Aceh Flag, if we want to be honest, it should follow the existing rules,” Muslim said. A similar response was delivered by the Director of LBH (legal consult) Bening Sukri Asma saying that the government has tolerated those people who are “mentally broken” to do so.

Law must be enforced without any exception. However, whenever the crime involves people in power, the law seems to be not working. Regarding the flag, the government should be firm. There must be only one flag in one country, in NKRI it is the Merah Putih (red and white).

Sukri further said that anyone tries to threaten the sovereignty of the state must be subdued. Indonesian Police should crack down anyone insulting President Joko Widodo.

Meanwhile, Gerakan Mahasiswa Nasional Indonesia (GMNI) Aceh demanded Chief of Local Police (Kapolda) of Aceh to arrest Tengku Ni due to his insult to the state symbol, the President. “We censure the statement because it did not represent the attitude of Aceh people. The Acehnese should promote courteous and suave manner,” said Chair of GMNI Aramiko Aritonang on Wednesday (13/4).

This, according to Aramiko, was an assault. Such statement was conveyed by Tengku Ni because of his disappointment with Central Government regarding the cancelation of the legalization of Bulan Bintang (Moon and Star) Flag as official flag of Aceh.

Aramiko also regretted the statement of Tengku Ni saying that Aceh people are still colonialized by Javanese and Indonesia as well as being tricked both in political and economic aspect also do not have the freedom to create qanun by central government. He further argued that such statement has disturbed the peace in Aceh. This statement does not reflect the reality in the real world.

Responding to this, I believe that what have been conveyed by Muslim Agani, SH and Aramiko Aritonang must be promptly responded by Polri via Polda Aceh because neglecting this case without bringing it to the court will be a bad learning for Aceh people. Should this case be ignored, there will be some negative implications such as, first, bad image of Polda Aceh’s performance that will be considered as less responsive to any law violation while Polri should be the front liner in upholding the principle of equality before the law. Second, insulting the President was indeed an assault to NKRI or Indonesian people as a whole, so ignoring this case will let other cases reoccur in the future or in other areas. Third, the indirect impact is that the people who are close with the people in power in Aceh will be braver to violate the law. Should this continue, there will highly likely be an intense intervention during Aceh Local Election in 2017 like what had happened in previous elections.

Furthermore, I also urge all elements in our democracy and civil society to take a firm response like the Chair of Aceh Legal Consult Langsa and Chair of GMNI Aceh did because securing and keeping democracy in Aceh from hate speeches especially towards NKRI and other state symbols are the responsibilities of all stakeholders in Aceh. This case should be an important lesson for Aceh people so that in 2017 election they must vote for the candidate who is not emotional and have good understanding on Aceh comprehensively as well as not used to spread hate speeches.

*) The author is a researcher at Galesong Institute and LSISI, Jakarta.

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