Rabu 15 Jun 2016 17:05 WIB

Commenting the Papuan activist’s new figure


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Lieutenant General (Ret) Soedibyo *)

The National Committee of West Papua (KNPB) and the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) which is indicated influenced by the idea of Western Colonialism apparently has resulted problem in The Province of Papua and the Province of West Papua. At present the agitation and propaganda of KNPB and ULMWP is done eminently by its supporters and need the Government Action to counter it.

Nesta Gimbal Suhuniap is a Papuan of the age might be between 30 and 45 years old. Look at his picture physically he looks like a combatant,  member of the Freedom Movement of Papua (OPM). But apparently he has started to be popular in front of the Papuan public because of the Facebook and his ability to write.  However not any story about his biography in the media so no information about his background of study and his clarification of his image as one of the new leader of the Papuan Freedom Movement of West Papua. He is looked mixing actor between political activist of the city, intellectual in media and leader of mass movement on the street.

He is showing his background as an intellectual who said that his struggle is based on the history of West Papua of 1961. He looks arrogant demonstrated himself as an political activist describing  the Government Officials of Indonesia  such as The Coordinating Minister of Political, Legal and Security Affairs Lieut. Gen (Ret) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan and indirectly The Chief of BIN Lieut. Gen (Ret) Soetiyoso even  President Jokowi are not good leaders for Papua. His eminent role is likely because of his capability to write and appearing in the media and as the field activist in front of the mass.

General comment might be important to be suggested to him concerning various problems he has criticized recently. First, concerning the issue of the appearance of the National Committee of West Papua (KNPB) and the United Liberation Movement of West Papua (ULMWP), he describes this issue as highly important for the struggle of Papua to get their political right. He is stressing the political right of the Papuan people not their national freedom. Our comment is KNPB and ULMWP are definitely a strategy inspired by the idea to weaken Papua as Freedom country and a part of Indonesia by the colonial power in Western Countries. Nesta should study the history of Papua since this country saved  by the Indonesian to become the freedom country as a part of Indonesia since 1945  and then in 1962.  As the Indonesian citizen the Papuan People have had their political right as it is stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

Second, criticizing  Lieut. Gen Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan  who is accused  to mobilize the people of Papua to reject KNPB and WLMWP. The Papuan international struggle should not be directed against the Government of Indonesia, Papuan people are freedom community as a part of Indonesia Papuan  power will be internationally stronger together with the Republic of Indonesia. National freedom is clearly much meaningful comparing with just the political right.

Third, the Papuan people are angry because of the burning of the symbol of Papua. The flag should stand beside the Red and White of the national flag of the united Indonesian in the Papuan regional area of Indonesia. The Red and White Flag is not the rival of the Bintang Kejora. The both flag should stand side by side in Papua.

The flag of Bintang Kejora is the symbol of the Papuan spirit to develop it is not describing the spirit of war against the Indonesian.

Four, accusing the Government of Indonesia using of the Element of SARA  to discredit the activity of KNPB and ULMWP. Indonesia Government and the people of Indonesia are firmly against the exploiting of the element of SARA   as political means.  SARA should not be exploited as political means. The exploitation of any element of SARA as political means is definitely against the Government policy.

Fifth, accusing  Lieut Gen (Ret) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan to play off the people of Papua between the Government followers and the supporter of KNPB and ULMWP. Our Comment is it is correct the Government of Indonesia which is also the Government of Papuan  people wish to remind to be careful to the strategy of  the “devide et empera” of the Western colonialism to break down Indonesia which will automatically  weaken  the Indonesian included the Papuan. The establishment of KNPB and ULMWP is a political strategy of the Western Colonialism to break up Indonesia.

Sixth, accusing Lieut Gen (Ret) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan to provoke the emotional attitude of the people of the Government Follower to burnt the Flag of Bintang Kejora. It is definitely not true. The Indonesian philosophy is Bhineka Tunggal Ika. We are physically looks different but our heart,  mind and soul are the same. The existence of the Bintang Kejora is no problem since it is just the symbol of spirit of Papuan to develop and it is standing at the left side of the Red and White as our national Flag.

Seven, the Governmernt of Indonesia make the Website and Blog to disburse the hatred feeling against KNPB and WLMWP among the educated and intellectual Papuan. The educated and intellectual Papuan who has the ability to express the better idea to develop Papua through e-system of communication certainly can also joint the various blog with the sending of their writing.  On line communication is the right of everyone who understand it to use.

Eight, the installment of Baliho rejecting KNPB and ULMWP. Our comment is Baliho is just technical method to inform the society, the baliho certainly is unnecessary if there is no misleading situation faced by the people. Nine, BIN has design the killing operation against the activist supporting the KNPB and ULMWP as if it was just traffic accidence. BIN is not definitely a killer. BIN is the strategic organization which is dealing with the strategic issue beneficial to the country.  

Being a country which is respecting Law, any social dispute happening in the society if not satisfy someone could bring the case to Court for justice. However it is clear that BIN is definitely wishing the KNPB and the ULMWP will not grow in Papua.

Nesta Gimbal Suhuniap said, the Government of Indonesia under the leadership of President Jokowi-JK apparently could not be able to explain the problem of Papua clearly and now apparently the security situation has become worse. My comment is there is no political problem of Papua. The problem existing in Papua is because of the inability of a number of Papuan individual  to read the history of the  Indonesia and the history of self determination of the Papuan people conducted by the United Nation in the year of 1969 that concluded the Papuan people decided Papua as a part of Indonesia.

Nesta Gimbal Suhuniap is likely an educated Papuan who has the capability to write a story and to use social media like Facebook.  But he looks arrogant and impolitely criticize the government Official namely the President and Vice President, the Coordinator Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affair and indirectly the Chief of BIN. This kind of attitude is not the attitude of educated people. Again, there is no more political problem on Papua, the status of Papua as a part of Indonesia had been definite decided internationally in 1969. This historical event will never be changed.

*) The writer is the Political and Security Observer, residing in Jakarta.

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