Senin 20 Jun 2016 20:57 WIB

Activities of KNPB apparently not supported by most Papuan

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: .

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Lieutenant General (Ret) Soedibyo *)

As it has been said in various National Committee for West Papua (KNPB) meeting a few weeks before, an expected large demonstration was decided to be held by KNPB in Jayapura. The concept or the design of the large demonstration was likely the mass demonstration from a certain popular location in the city they were marching and move to The Regional House of Representatives of Papua. The participants of the demonstration are likely expected coming from several communities of various social activities of all around Jayapura.

The main agenda of the demonstration was likely anumber of speeches or oration would be given by the leaders of the Central KNPB of Papua (The Province of West Papua and the Province of Papua) in front of the members of The Regional House of Representatives of Papua. The climax of the speeches will be likely the statement on their demand that the text will be given to the Speaker of The Regional House of Representatives of Papua, Yunus Wonda.

Certainly it is expected the reply speech will be given by the Speaker. It  was likely believed by KNPB, at least a sympathetic response will be expressed  by the Speaker of the Regional House of Representatives, Yunus Wonda. Definitely the speech of Yunus Wonda could be politically exploited as if the Regional House of Representative of Papua supporting the struggle of KNPB and The United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP).

Unfortunately for KNPB, based on security consideration the agenda of the demonstration of KNPB could not be done completely. The demonstration was failed. The gate of the compound of the Building of the Regional House of Representatives of Papua was locked by the Police and it was guarded strongly. The demonstrators could not enter the Compound of the House of Representatives of Papua.

The security consideration of the Police to prevent the possible unnecessary chaos in the compound of The Regional House of Representative of Papua concluded that no one is permitted to enter the compound, with locking the gate of the compound. This consideration of the Police was definitely correct. This Police action was definitely done in according to the Standard Operating Procedure.

Yunus Wonda the Speaker of the Regional House of Representatives of Papua was not happy that the mass demonstration could not enter the compound. On behalf of all the members of the Regional House of Representatives Yunus Wonda apologize to the demonstrators because the demonstrators could not enter the Compound of the Building of The Regional House of Representatives.

Yunus  Wonda said the Police actually should let the demonstration come in  in  order Members of the Regional House of Representatives of Papua to hear their will. To permit them entering the Building of The House of Representatives today will not cause them to get their independence tomorrow.

The Police action to stop the demonstration in front of the gate was correct and the attitude of Yunus Wonda was arrogant and influenced by might be a subjective political motive. The action of the Police is to prevent the possible unexpected physical clash that could impact the unexpected results. The main mission of the Police was to save the members of the Regional House of Representative of Papua to work; they should not be disturbed by anyone including the demonstration.

The activities of KNPB and ULMWP are not apparently supported by the Papuan people as a whole. Last week, the Group of the Red and White of Wamena, Central Highland of around 150 people went out to the street opposing the activities of KNPB and its supporters of yesterday. A number of pamphlet and banner were demonstrated with the words: Dismiss KNPB, KNPB is forbidden gang. The Group of Red and White is conducted the demonstration to counter the demonstration of KNPB one day before. A number of small demonstrations were also reported to take place mainly in various parts of Jayapura but not significantly. The daily life in Jayapura was not reported disturbed seriously, though the traffic tends to be disturbed significantly.

To maintain the national stability of Papua clearly a number of the key problem of Papua should be paid enough attention by the government, namely:

1.    The legal and political status of KNPB which is clearly against the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

2.    The foreign policy concerning the Melanesian States policy if MSG clearly accepted ULMWP as the full member of MSG.

3.    Ignoring the rejection of some Papuann people, the Government urgently conducts the meeting between Jakarta and Papua to decide the Special Economic Agenda for Papua and controlling the budget allocated to Papua.

Last but least never thinks to apply the policy of the Self Determination of Papua through the Referendum.

4.    To develop the Province of Papua and West Papua faster than the Melanesian Countries in South Pacific, a specific development action should be seriously taken by the Government, such as to install a special Audit Organization such as KPK, manned by totally Papuan.

5.    Supported by firm security policy,  the Government  seriously solve the problem of Human Right Violation happened in the whole part of Indonesia  in the past through the Non-Judial Method

The situation of Papua especially in Jayapura of June 15, 2016 might become spectacular news especially among foreign media. Special attention of course should be focused on possible foreign secret agent in Papua. The Situation of Papua in general and Jayapura actually were normal. No special security action should be made. The local Police was still capable to cope with the situation. The society lived normally as usual.

Though everything is still under control, however some political issues raised in the demonstration could be considered as sensitive and potential to develop, such the issue of Referendum and the issue on the Solution of Human Right Violation of the past in Papua.

The political issue of Referendum felt likely potential to develop, unless a certain economic and social development progress could be achieved significantly under the present Cabinet. The ending goal at last is the prosperity, secure and justice in the society. The important political problem that should be solved rapidly is the national policy on KNPB and ULMWP as illegal organization. Last but not least also the strong diplomatic move against the UK/British and the Melanesian States are really important to be increased.

*) The Writer is former BAKIN chief

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