Rabu 01 Feb 2012 16:02 WIB

Tutut, the new prima donna in Bogor

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Some may find tutut so tasty. What do you think? (ilustration).
Foto: id.openrice.com
Some may find tutut so tasty. What do you think? (ilustration).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR – Let's introduce you to the new prima donna: it is black, round, and has tapered edge. At a glimpse, it is rather similar with snail since its shell is almost the same. The edible snail living in rice fields is called tutut in local name or Bellamya javanica in Latin. Ok, let’s use its local name instead.

Tutut may not be for all of us. Some people see it gross, but it is other’s delicacy. Yet, tutut has become new favorite food in Bogor since five months ago. The sellers grow gradually in every corner of the town.

If you happen to pass Jalan Abdullah bin Nuh, the sellers of tutut can be found easily. Along the way, you will see many food stalls offering tutut.

Now, let’s learn how to prepare tutut. Before it is boiled, the edge of the shell should be holed. Then, it is cooked with spicy gravy. The taste? It is savory, salty, sweet, spicy, and a little bit bitter. The taste of turmeric will be dominating. It does not only give the taste, but also makes your body warmer.

The funny thing is how to eat tutut. Tutut should be sucked so that the gooey flesh comes out. To savor this traditional food, you just have to pay 3.000 IDR for one portion. Some believe eating tutut will improve their stamina.

People enjoy eating tutut while they are chatting with friends of watching TV. “I can eat three portions of tutut while chatting with my friends,” Wawan (31 year) said.

Damanhuri, one of the sellers, said, he could sell 40 kilograms tutut per day. He plans to open another branch in other place. “It is very crowded. I do not have any holiday,” Damanhuri said.

He is not worried about supply, as he gets regular supply from neighbor town, Cianjur. “It seems tutut becomes a new prima donna in Bogor,” Damanhuri added.

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