Kamis 28 Jun 2012 19:42 WIB

Wow... Ancient inscriptions found in West Sulawesi!

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAJENE - Local residents in Majene district, West Sulawesi, have found three ancient inscriptions that are likely to be 400 to 500 years old, according to an official. "The inscriptions were found by local residents when they were digging the ground at two different places. I was surprised because these are the first inscriptions found in Sulawesi," Mandar Majene Museum Curator Ahmad Hasan said on Thursday.

Two of the inscriptions are 50 centimetres long and 15 centimetres wide, while the other one is 50 centimetres in length and 40 centimetres in width. One inscription is found in Banggae village, nearby a menhir (a tall upright stone) that is worshipped as Batu Miana, while the other two are found in Kota Tinggi.

The secretary of the Majene Youth, Sport, Culture and Tourism Service, Mitthar Thala Ali, said the department would conduct further studies on the discovery of objects that have historical value and, if necessary, work with the archaeological department.

sumber : Antara
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