Kamis 25 Oct 2012 18:40 WIB

Garuda seeks direct flight to Latin America

Rep: Sefti Oktarianisa/Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
President Director of Garuda Indonesia, Emirsyah Satar.
Foto: Antara
President Director of Garuda Indonesia, Emirsyah Satar.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - An Indonesia’s flag carrier, Garuda, seeks direct flight to Latin America. Currently the company the possibility is under thourough assessment and consideration. 

"South to South is our strategy to enter Open Sky 2015," the President Director of Garuda Indonesia, Emirsyah Satar, said on Thursday.

Garuda records the increasing income up to 140.4 percent compared to similar period last year. The company books 92.75 million USD operational income until the third quarter of 2012.

The growth is supported by operational aspects such as the increasing number of passengers and cargo. Garuda successfully carries away 14.8 million passengers or jumps 20.2 percent compared to last period. Garuda also takes up 201,000 tonnes of cargo or increases on 18.7 percent.

Production capacity is also gaining with more flight frequency. Current flight frequency is 111,000 flights. Availability seat kilometer (ASK) is increasing up to 11.7 percent or become 26.87 billion.

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