Senin 30 May 2016 21:41 WIB

Kecak dance hypnotizing Middle East tourists

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Tari kecak
Foto: dok.Republika
Tari kecak

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BALI -- Performances of Balinese dance, Kecak can anaesthetize foreign tourists from the Middle East.

"They are very excited and entertained seeing Kecak dance. Kecak dance is very exciting for them," said Yunus, tour guide who accompanied participants Fam Trip Middle East with the Ministry of Tourism in official statement to on Wednesday (25/5).

It was also said by Reda Ahmed, one of the participants said that each region has characteristic.

"Every area has diverse arts. Nice culture. I love to see show Kecak dance. Very interesting," Reda said.

It is also said by Taimor Hassan Eman, he can feel lot of knowledge after seeing the culture of other countries.

"Adding insight and show like Hanuman are already common. So it is not so confusing to know story of the dance," she said.

As many as 14 travel agents from the Middle East have opportunity to followed Familization Trip (Fam Trip) with the Ministry of Tourism (Kemenpar) in 22-28 May 2016. After visiting Jakarta and Bandung, this time they explored in tourism objects in Bali.

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