Kamis 02 Jun 2016 17:59 WIB

Yamaha racing coaster makes Middle East tourists palpitating

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistywati/MGROL70/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: skyscrapercity.com

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- Participants of Familization Trip (Fam Trip) Ministry of Tourism (Kemenpar) visited the Trans Studio Bandung, West Java.

Because the criteria of the Middle East tourists is the Family Friendly, it mean they are looked for friendly tourism objects, both for children and intended for family. Such as amusement parks.

"They love in Trans Studio. The game is many, variated, and cheap," said tour guide Yunus who accompanied Middle East travellers during Fam Trip in official statement received Republika.co.id Tuesday ( 24/5).

And, they also successfully tried the Yamaha Racing Coaster. The backward movement in Yamaha racing coaster firstly made them afraid.

"I am happy and that this place is complete. There are family playground and also large mall. The game is exciting," one of participant Fam Trip, Muhammad added.

The Ministry of Tourism held events of Familization Trip (FamTrip) with 14 travel agents from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and Cairo, Egypt, in 22-28 May 2016. Famtrip aim to explore more tourist objects in the area of Jakarta, Bandung and ended in Bali.

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