Jumat 10 Jun 2016 19:26 WIB

Arief Yahya lauds development of river tourism in Palembang

Arief Yahya
Arief Yahya

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Tourism Minister Arief Yahya has lauded the development of Musi River tourism in Palembang, South Sumatra Province, to increase the number of tourist visits.

"Musi River could become a main attraction and draw tourists," the minister noted in a statement, here, recently.

Palembang could draw inspiration from other cities across the planet famous for river tourism, if it cannot develop its own concept, he stated.

"Musi can be compared to rivers in other major cities in the world, having huge tourism potential," he remarked.

These cities include Bangkok known for the Chao Phraya River charm; London, with the Thames River; Paris, with the River Seine; Moscow, with the Moscow River; and Cairo, with the Nile River.

The municipality will promote Musi River tourism to attract tourists, according to M. Safri Nungcik of the Palembang city planning office.

The river will be restored not only for cargo and public transportation but also for attracting tourists, he stated.

To this end, land, air, and water transportation modes will be made available for boosting tourism.

Water buses will ferry visitors to several tourist attractions along the banks of Musi River, such as the kampongs of Kapitan, Al Munawar Arab quarter, 14 Ulu area, 10 Ulu area, and Kemaro Isle.

Musi is the lifeline of Palembang. Under Ampera Bridge, various communities could be found residing in the remnants of the Sriwijaya Kingdom.

"If Thailand could attract foreign tourists by doing this, so could Palembang," Nungcik emphasized.

As part of a joint venture with state-owned PT Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation, the Palembang administration will build a 20-storey hotel in Musi area, with investment worth Rp200 billion.

A similar cooperation has also been established with the hotel chain, Sahid Group.

Nungcik is optimistic that Palembang would be the first city in Indonesia to successfully develop river tourism.

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