Rabu 14 Mar 2018 14:25 WIB

Govt asks clarification from British diver Rich Horner

Rich Horner has been diving in Manta Point many times and never found rubbish before.

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Special team deployed to monitor Manta Point, Nusa Penida, Bali after a video of British diver Rich Horner swam in a sea of rubbish went viral.
Foto: dok. Istimewa
Special team deployed to monitor Manta Point, Nusa Penida, Bali after a video of British diver Rich Horner swam in a sea of rubbish went viral.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Government has asked clarification to British diver Rich Horner related to his underwater video at Manta Point, Bali. On March 3, he uploaded a Youtube video showing himself swimming in the sea of rubbish. 

Manta Point is a popular diving spot in Bali. In an article published by The Independent, Horner said, "The ocean currents brought us in a lovely gift of a slick of jellyfish, plankton, leaves, brunches, fronds, sticks, etc.... Oh, and some plastic. Some plastic bags, plastic bottles, plastic cups, plastic sheets, plastic buckets, plastic sachets, plastic straws, plastic baskets, plastic bags, more plastic bags, plastic, plastic, so much plastic! Surprise, surprise, there weren't many Mantas there at the cleaning station today... They mostly decided not to bother." 

Bali Provincial Environment Office head, I Gede Suarjana said his team has met with Horner on the location. "Horner admitted that he has been diving many times at Manta Point and never found any waste, except at that day, said Suarjana on Wednesday (March 14).

On the other hand, based on data and observations by Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and related agencies, on March 1 to 10, there were no reports of garbage at Manta Point. According to Suarjana, Nusa Penida sea was influenced by southwest monsoon and cross flow Indonesia which is moving from the North through the Lombok Strait at the time. 

"With tidal conditions, garbage from outside the sea can appear and lasted for hours," Suarjana explained.

Also read: World Bank lauds Indonesia's effort in combatting marine plastic debris

Regional Secretariat of Bali Province spokesperson, I Dewa Gede Mahendra Putra said Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs has ordered the formulation of an action plan to overcome the problem. One way to receive suggestion from Bali Provincial Government to install trash trap in Balinese rivers, so that the garbage does not carry directly to the sea.

"Currently we have tried to install it in four rivers and the results are satisfying," said Dewa Mahendra.

Bali Provincial Government also continues to educate people to manage waste properly. Customary villages (pekraman) are also involved with other community components in waste management.

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