Selasa 08 Jan 2013 15:31 WIB

It s Not the Ending of The Dreamers

About Dream Sannia
Foto: Sannia m
About Dream Sannia

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,JAKARTA -- First time, I was chosen by the commitee, I really had no idea what “Dream” is, but now I did really understand. Dream 2012 is a kind of International Students Summer Program which was held by UGM. Between July 1st until 14th, 2012.

I have joined a very wonderful summer program that I never had before with the students all over the world. So, let me tell you about my story during Dream 2012.

I got a lot of experiences since the first day I came to Yogyakarta, the city of students. A well-prepared welcoming dinner as the beginning of the program. And there I could know all of the students who were joined this summer program. Such as the students who came from Egypt, Australia, Holland, Germany, USA, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Argentina, Turkey, and Brunei Darussalam. Besides I could enjoy the show of traditional dances and songs of Indonesia, the country where I represented from.

For fourteen days, I have passed through many activities that I won’t forget along my life. Which were classified as Public Lecture, Internship, Tutorial, Community Service, Culture Excurssion, and Global Village.

Over all of the activities, theme of this summer program was “Alternatif Education”. So what I got from the two days session of public lecture about alternative education were: we need to realize about children’s lives. Especially the children who are unable to study usually, so, we need to teach them in different way. Some companies have concerned about this alternative education. Such as YCAB Foundation, who cares about children education which had financial crisis. Or Sokola Rimba who cares about the children in the jungle. And Kampung Halaman Foundation who teaches us to make video or movie.

The participants of Dream had to pour in to the culture of the habits of that children. For real, we have taught the children at school to think about togetherness, strategy, communication, and how to express our feeling in front of the public. Which was implemented as “Community Service” activity. Aand it happened in Wukirsari Village. We lived at there from July 9th until  July 13th, 2012.

Then, people were separated to get different theme of tutorial. So, I got the topic of “Political Empowerment and Development”. And for two days, everyone talked about the political aspect in each country. And told the story about how everyone gives a contribution in doing their political freedom. It was a very good topic, especially when we talked about “Advocacy” for the system of election in Indonesia. So I had a task that the election should be in peace.

The next one was about culture. All paticipatans learnt and joined in batik-making. Visited Unesco World Heritage, Topeng workshop and Bakpia workshop. To complete the cultural excurssion, I and my friends also could see the traditional performance of Indonesia. Such as traditional dancing and singing. For Global Village exactly, each participant of each country should prepare for a unique performance that best describing the country.

So at that moment, I tried to coordinate all Indonesian students for a big performance. Started from singing an Indonesian song,“Karena Cinta”. Doing saman dance, lenggang nyai dance, melayu dance, pendet dance, and as the closing, all Indonesian presented singing a traditional song of Maluku, “Rame-rame”. And after that we did poco-poco dance. All of my friends from other countries were so excited about poco-poco dance. So we invited them to come to the stage and did poco-poco dance together.

Last, but not at least, I want to give the two words conclusion, awesome and unforgetable! Let’s keep in touch, guys!

Written by: Sannia Mareta -- Industrial Engineering, Trisakti University

sumber : Trisakti
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