Sabtu 09 Dec 2023 13:51 WIB

Testament of Prophet Muhammad in the Time of Dhuha

Prophet Muhammad encouraged his people to pray dhuha.

Rep: Rossi Handayani/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Prophet Muhammad encouraged his people to pray dhuha.
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Prophet Muhammad encouraged his people to pray dhuha.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- It is allowed for every servant to perform the dhuha prayer when it is time for dhuha.

As quoted from the book of Sunnah and Daily Dizikir of the Prophet Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, the reason is, the Hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu Anhu says, “My beloved (Prophet) Shallallahu alaihi wa Sallam once gave me three wills (messages/advices), namely to fast for three days in each month (yaka) every day 13,14,15 in the month of the Hijri month), in order to perform the sunnah dhuha prayer of two rakaat, and that I may perform the prayer of witir before I go to bed.“

Baca Juga

This will was also conveyed by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to Abu Darda Radhiyallahu Anhu mentioned in the history of the Muslim Imam (no.722), as well as to Abu Dzar Radhiyallahu Anhu mentioned in the history of An Nasa'i in the book As Sunan Al Kubra (no.2712).

The hadith narrated by Abu Dzar Radhiyallahu Anhu, from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “When you enter the morning, each of your joints is entitled to alms, but know that every tasbih is alms, every tahmid is alms, every tahlil is alms, every takbir is alms, inviting to good is alms, preventing a tribulation is alms, and this amount can be fulfilled enough by performing the prayer of sunnah dhuha du rakaat” (MR. Muslim no.720)

Joints are the link between bones one and the other until the body can be moved. The Muslim book of Shahih also mentions a story from the mother of Aisha Radhiyallahu Anha which explains that every human being was created to have three hundred and sixty joints. When all his covenant rights were fulfilled, then on that day he was walking to distance himself from the fires of Hell.

For the time it begins from the moment when it is permissible to perform the dhuha prayer (i.e. after the expiration of the time to establish prayer), precisely when the sun rises and the shadow of the spear is equivalent to its height.

This time ends before the sun changes direction (from east to west), exactly about ten minutes before the arrival of zhuhur time.

The reason for this is the Hadith narrated by Amru ibn Abasah Radhiyallahu Anhu, “Do the prayer of Shubuh, then do not pray (anything) until the sun rises (after it rises), do the prayer (dhuha) because the prayer is witnessed and attended (by the angels), (in time) until the shadow of the spear becomes very little, then do not pray (of any kind), because then the fires of Hell are kindled.. “(HR. Muslim no.832).

The most important time of dhuha prayer is at the end of the permitted time, which is when the heat of the sun stings the feet of the camels.

The reason for this is the hadith narrated by Zaid ibn Arqam Radhiyallahu Anhu that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “(The time) of the awwabin (dhuha) prayer is when the camel feels hot. “(HR. Muslim no.748).

Yuk Ngaji Hari Ini
فَلَمَّا اسْتَا۟يْـَٔسُوْا مِنْهُ خَلَصُوْا نَجِيًّاۗ قَالَ كَبِيْرُهُمْ اَلَمْ تَعْلَمُوْٓا اَنَّ اَبَاكُمْ قَدْ اَخَذَ عَلَيْكُمْ مَّوْثِقًا مِّنَ اللّٰهِ وَمِنْ قَبْلُ مَا فَرَّطْتُّمْ فِيْ يُوْسُفَ فَلَنْ اَبْرَحَ الْاَرْضَ حَتّٰى يَأْذَنَ لِيْٓ اَبِيْٓ اَوْ يَحْكُمَ اللّٰهُ لِيْۚ وَهُوَ خَيْرُ الْحٰكِمِيْنَ
Maka ketika mereka berputus asa darinya (putusan Yusuf) mereka menyendiri (sambil berunding) dengan berbisik-bisik. Yang tertua di antara mereka berkata, “Tidakkah kamu ketahui bahwa ayahmu telah mengambil janji dari kamu dengan (nama) Allah dan sebelum itu kamu telah menyia-nyiakan Yusuf? Sebab itu aku tidak akan meninggalkan negeri ini (Mesir), sampai ayahku mengizinkan (untuk kembali), atau Allah memberi keputusan terhadapku. Dan Dia adalah hakim yang terbaik.”

(QS. Yusuf ayat 80)

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