Jumat 15 Dec 2023 23:22 WIB

The Story of the Prophet Muhammad and a Jewish Boy

The boy used to bring ablution water to the Prophet.

Rep: Fuji E Permana/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Prophet Muhammad (illustration)
Foto: Dok Republika
Prophet Muhammad (illustration)

REPUBLICA.CO.ID, CAIRO -- The Prophet Muhammad was visiting a sick person he loved so much. He visited a Jewish boy who had worked for him as his personal servant. The boy used to bring ablution water for the Prophet Muhammad, pick up slippers, and do chores for him.

On this day, the Prophet Muhammad was disturbed by the boy's absence, so he went to his house to visit him when he was sick and inquire about him.

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The Prophet went inside and sat near the boy's head. The boy's father sat before him. The Prophet Muhammad looked at the boy with affection, sad to see him nearly die at such a young age.

The Prophet Muhammad then called the boy to consider what he needed most at this time. The religion by which he would meet his Lord. He said:

“Accept Islam. Proclaim that there is no god but Allah and I am His Messenger.”

The boy accepted it. He was once a servant of the Prophet Muhammad, and during that time he knew the morals, morals, and manners of the Prophet Muhammad.

The boy recognized in the Prophet the qualities of a messenger of Allah. He knew that the Prophet (SAW) was not a tyrant or a man of pretence.

Despite this, the boy still felt his father's authority keenly, so he turned his face towards his father and looked at him imploringly, waiting for his father's approval.

Once again, the Prophet invited the boy to accept Islam, seeing that the boy's life was rapidly fading. At this time, the boy's father said:

“Obey Abul-Qasim (the Prophet Muhammad) and say what Muhammad commanded you.

“ The Jewish boy then said the words:

“I testify that there is no god but Allah, and that you (the Prophet Muhammad) are the messenger of Allah.“

He said these words with his last breath. When Prophet Muhammad came out of the boy's house, he felt warm because Allah had given him guidance.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Praise be to Allah who has used me to save him from the fires of hell.”

Then the Messenger of Allah turned to his companions and said, “Pray for the body of your brother.” (H.R. Imam Al-Bukhari)

Lessons That Can Be Learned

Reported from the About Islam page, Friday (15/12/2023) it is explained that we should learn from this incident how the Prophet Muhammad behaved towards people of different faiths. It is important that the Prophet chose a Jewish boy to be his personal servant. How many companions must have craved the honor of that position? How many Muslims would be overjoyed if their sons served the Prophet Muhammad?

Nevertheless, the Prophet gave the job to a Jewish boy. This shows us that we should have a balanced, friendly, and reasonable attitude towards people of different faiths, be they Jews, Christians, or others. There was no tension or alienation in the Prophet's relationship with non-Muslims.

When the Prophet met a diverse group of people, Muslims, Jews, and idolaters, he would sit with them, talk to them, and invite them to Islam. The Prophet (peace be upon him) will part with them when he comes. The Prophet (peace be upon him) would visit non-Muslims in their homes. The Prophet accepted their invitation and opened his house to them.

As we have seen, the Prophet Muhammad even hired a non-Muslim to be his personal housekeeper. This is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Associating with others is the best way to get non-Muslims to know Islam and to recognize Muslims as followers of the Prophet Muhammad. This breaks down barriers between people and creates opportunities for them to learn about Islam properly.

This is why the Jewish child accepted the Prophet's advice to embrace Islam. Because he knows about Islam.

He knew how the Prophet Muhammad behaved. He saw his honesty and integrity. It was his close acquaintance with the Prophet that made him aware that the Prophet Muhammad was indeed a messenger of Allah. This is why it is so easy for him to make important changes in the last moments of his difficult life.

We must see in this incident the sense of humanity that Muslims must show in dealing with non-Muslims. The Prophet Muhammad was sent as a mercy to all of nature.

We are instructed to visit non-Muslims when they are sick. In wartime, when we are attacked by non-Muslim invaders, we are instructed in the Koran to bring food and supplies to any prisoners of war we might capture.

When the funeral procession of a Jew passed where the Prophet sat, he stood saluting. When asked why he was standing, the Prophet replied, “Is he not a man?” (H.R. Imam Al-Bukhari) The Prophet was not visiting non-Muslim leaders or prominent officials. The boy was just a servant. But the Prophet (peace be upon him) respected him as a human being.

These are the traits that the companions and successors of the Prophet (SAW) learned, and it was because of these noble traits that many hearts were drawn to Islam.

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