Sabtu 03 Feb 2024 17:00 WIB

Gus Yaqut Advises Ansor Cadre to Remain Solid Under Addin Leadership

Addin elected Ketum Ansor in XVI Congress

Red: Erdy Nasrul
General Chairman GP Ansor demissionary Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, requested Ansor remain solid.
Foto: Setpres RI
General Chairman GP Ansor demissionary Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, requested Ansor remain solid.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA— The General Chairman of the Ansor Youth Movement Center (Ketum PP GP Ansor) demissionary Yaqut Cholil Qoumas (Gus Yaqut) advised that the Ansor and Banser cadres remain solid under the leadership of Addin Jauharuddin.

That way, cadres could continue to be in Ansor's line of struggle, both in safeguarding the jam'iyah (organization) and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

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“Like the ocean, the Ansor Youth Movement is vast. If anyone tries to pollute with one or two words, do not pollute the ocean of Ansor,” Yaqut said in a welcoming address to the elected Chairman of the General Manager of the Ansor GP Center in Port Tanjung Emas, Semarang, as quoted from an official statement received in Jakarta, Saturday (3/2/2024).

Yaqut also expressed gratitude for having been given the trust to judge Ansor for approximately eight years.

According to him, his success in carrying the trust until the end of his stewardship is not free from the cooperation of all cadres and various parties.

On behalf of himself, the chairman of the demissioners, and the entire administration of the center, Yaqut also apologized profusely if during this time there had been a disgruntled or unpleasant decision.

“I say this from the bottom of my heart. We believe there are no uncracked tusks,” he said.

Meanwhile, Ketum PP GP Ansor elected for a solemn term 2024- 2029 Addin Jauharuddin considers the chair of the general chairman he will assume is a trust as well as a new test in order to lead this Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) youth organization towards a vast ocean of ideals or goals.

“It's just a transition, my job is to continue the great ideas that Gus Yaqut has laid out. Hopefully in the future Ansor is more solid and tidy for Ansor's greatness,” Addin said.

The XVI Congress of GP Ansor was attended by envoys from 34 regional administrators, 429 branch managers with a total attendance of 1,700 people. Three of the six foreign branch managers attended the Congress, namely Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, and Egypt.

“The participation of the congress is 429, so it is more than 50 percent of the quorum,” said the Chairman of the XVI Congress Session GP Ansor, Faisal Saimima, in his remarks in Jakarta, Saturday (3/2/2024).

Addin was appointed as the new chairman by acclamation accompanied by a hammer knock marking his appointment as General Chairman for the period 2024-2029.

GP Ansor NU Roadmap of the Future, a theme that portrays GP Ansor as a kinetic element of NU and GP Ansor's commitment to preparing each of its cadres as successors to NU's leadership in the future.

The XVI Congress of GP Ansor was organized on the land-sea. It opened in Tanjung Priok, Jakarta and continued its journey to Tanjung Emas, Semarang. President Jokowi, who opened the congress, rated the idea of the congress on this ship as a creative and innovative idea.

“I often go to congresses, for youth organizations, but only this time the congress was held on a sea boat, this means that GP Ansor is creative and innovative,” he said.

Addin received a warm welcome from about 1,000 Banser members when he arrived at the Port of Tanjung Emas, Semarang, Saturday (3/3/2024) early in the morning. While disembarking from the Kelud Motor Ship (KM) sailing with the entourage of participants of the VI Congress of the Ansor Youth Movement, Addin appeared to accompany Gus Yaqut.

Their arrival was also welcomed by Deputy Chairman of PBNU Nizar Ali, Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Central Java Musta'in Ahmad, as well as a number of managers of PW GP Ansor and PWNU Central Java.

Next, Addin and Gus Yaqut headed to an apple location located in the harbor yard. The Apples began with the procession of the leadership relay handover from Gus Yaqut to Addin.

The event was marked by the handing over of the banner of the Ansor organization from Gus Yaqut as Chairman of the PP GP Ansor demissionary to Addin who was the elected chairman of the results of the XVI congress.

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