Rabu 24 Apr 2024 22:05 WIB

Haedar Nashir Emphasizes Importance of Silaturahmi

The spirit of fellowship should be fostered together.

General Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah Prof. Haedar Nashir.
Foto: Dok. UMJ
General Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah Prof. Haedar Nashir.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PP Muhammadiyah General Chairman Prof. Haedar Nashir said that silaturrahim is a momentum to build the nation's progress. Silaturrahim may reassemble the nation's brotherhood amid hardening differences due to political dynamics after 2024 elections.

“The relationship doesn't always go positive there's always a dynamic. So how did this union become our common spirit? So silaturrahmi is not just connecting our usual connections, but connecting those that have been disconnected,” he said in Silaturrahim Halal bi Halal 1445 Hijri at K H Ahmad Azhar Basyir Auditorium of the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta (UMJ) on Wednesday (24/4/2024).

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Haedar says there are Elections or not, life is always decorated with dynamics and differences. According to him, differences are an inevitability. Differences must not boil down to divisions until they become thorns in the unity and life of nations.

He also stated that the spirit of silaturrahim should be fostered together and should not wait for others for unity. Therefore, he also advised that Muhammadiyah have the soul of uniting, advancing, and enlightening the nation through the spirit of silaturrahim.

“The key lies in conscience. So when there are differences, it is time for all citizens to build a mature attitude of addressing differences wisely. So that it can enjoy the beauty of difference framed by fraternal values,” he said.

On the same occasion, UMJ Rector Prof. Dr. Ma'mun Murod expressed his gratitude for the selection of UMJ to host the Silaturrahim and Halal Bi Halal activities of the Muhammadiyah Big Family.

In addition, in the Halal Bi Halal momentum, Ma'mun co-called for a message through the recitation of a verse from Muhammad Iqbal of Pakistan which contains about building peace and togetherness in various differences.

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