Ahad 17 Nov 2024 12:29 WIB

Gamma Thohir Shares Success Story of Building Clean Energy-Based Villages at COP29

Gamma Thohir's journey in founding Earth Village began in 2015.

Rep: Intan Pratiwi/ Red: Budi Raharjo
Pendiri Desa Bumi Gamma Thohir memberikan paparannya saat sesi diskusi dengan topik Intergenerational Action for Tripling Renewable Energy by 2030 di ajang Konferensi Perubahan Iklim COP29 di Baku Azerbaijan, Kamis (14/11/2024).
Foto: Republika/Edwin Dwi Putranto
Pendiri Desa Bumi Gamma Thohir memberikan paparannya saat sesi diskusi dengan topik Intergenerational Action for Tripling Renewable Energy by 2030 di ajang Konferensi Perubahan Iklim COP29 di Baku Azerbaijan, Kamis (14/11/2024).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BAKU -- Founder of Earth Village, Gamma Thohir told the success story of the Earth Village program at the 29th United Nations Climate Change Conference or COP 29, in Baku, Azerbaijan. The four villages that are part of the Bumi Village now have their entire energy needs supported by clean energy.

Gamma Thohir's journey in founding Earth Village began in 2015 when he was only 15 years old. In high spirits, Gamma pays a visit to a remote village located about a four-hour drive from her home.

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Inadequate roads forced Gama to use off-road vehicles to reach the village. When he arrived, he did not come with grand proposals or elaborate plans, but with the sincere intention of getting to know the local people and understanding their needs.

“I lived with them, stayed in village lodges, and got to know local leaders and people,” Gama said during the COP29 series held at Indonesia Pavillion on Thursday (14/11/2024).

From there, he began to realize that although their access to technology was limited, they were very open to trying new things. In fact, the people of the village have already started creating simple radio drones using electronic items they encounter around them.

Seeing the great potential behind people's interest in technology, Gamma realized that technology-based solutions could be introduced, but with a more thorough approach and understanding the cultural context and their needs.

“The key is understanding their culture, engaging them in every step of the way, and making sure the solutions we offer are relevant as well as worthwhile,” Gamma added.

With a clear vision to provide access to renewable energy to rural areas, Village Bumi was started. In 2015, they started building a microhydro power plant with a capacity of about 40 kW, capable of supplying electricity to 75 households and a learning center for youth in the village.

The project is not only about providing access to electricity, but is also a first step towards introducing renewable energy concepts that can be used to power the local economy. As time went on, the vision of Earth Village evolved with a broader focus. In the period 2020-2024, the villages involved in the Earth Village project not only gained access to renewable energy, but also deeper social development and community capacity programs.

Through various trainings and educations, these villages have begun to develop new skills to harness renewable energy to support their economic sectors. Bumi Village aims not only to provide access to electricity, but also to create economic value.

“Without renewable energy, it is impossible to create sustainable green jobs. Renewable energy is key to driving economic growth in rural areas,” Gamma said.

Now, after nearly a decade, Village Bumi has become a stark testament to how technology, education and renewable energy can transform the lives of rural communities in Indonesia, leading them towards a more independent, sustainable and inclusive future.


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