Selasa , 10 Nov 2015, 08:16 WIB
5.97 million of Indonesian people illiteracy

Selasa , 03 Nov 2015, 19:46 WIB
Govt launches two books of natural gas 2015-2030

Kamis , 22 Oct 2015, 21:12 WIB

Senin , 08 Sep 2014, 14:17 WIB
Delayed delivery of 2013 curruculum books poses problems for teaching

Jumat , 17 Jan 2014, 20:59 WIB
President writes a book to answer criticism

Selasa , 16 Jul 2013, 23:27 WIB
Signed copy of Rowling book could mean big money

Selasa , 04 Jun 2013, 21:55 WIB
A minister 'promotes' book by former BI governor

Sabtu , 09 Mar 2013, 22:51 WIB
Indonesian author Andrea Hirata awarded at ITB Berlin

Jumat , 04 Jan 2013, 17:40 WIB
Jews and Palestinian chefs share their memories on 'Jerusalem'

Kamis , 20 Sep 2012, 19:13 WIB
Kath Papas enjoys culturally rich experience in Kediri

Kamis , 14 Jun 2012, 23:14 WIB
Publisher apologizes and burns books containing insults on Prophet Mohammad

Rabu , 16 May 2012, 17:39 WIB
UNHCR: Islam and International law share common ground on refugee rights

Japan after Shock: A story of optimism
REPUBLIKA.co.id, JAKARTA – Many of us may find the story of human survival and struggle as inspiring and encouraging. And Japan after Shock offers such story on optimism and bravery of tsunami survivors that hit Japan on March 11 last year, written by two Indonesians, Hani Yamashita and Junanto Herdiawan. "This is not a book about quakes...