Visitors pass near the halal logo during the Indonesian Halal Festival at Asrama Haji Pondok Gede, Jakarta, Wednesday (14/12/2022).

BPJPH Discusses Halal Product Sertification Cooperation with Chinese Delegation

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Halal Products Guarantee Organization (BPJPH) of the Ministry of Religious Affairs discussed cooperation on the development of halal products with the delegation of the Chinese Government. It was as an effort to strengthen the guarantee of promotion of halal products both at home and abroad. “Today we received a delegation of the Government of China who...

Kepala Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal Muhammad Aqil Irham dan Direktur Eksekutif Shopee Indonesia Handhika Jahja saat menandatangani kerja sama Shopee dan BPJPH untuk fasilitasi Sertifikasi Halal UMKM di Gama Tower, Jakarta, Rabu (3/4/2024).

Kejar Wajib Halal Oktober 2024, Shopee Gandeng BPJPH

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Shopee berkolaborasi dengan Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal (BPJPH) memfasilitasi pengajuan sertifikasi halal bagi para pelaku UMKM di Indonesia. Fasilitasi melalui Shopee Barokah ini untuk mendukung pelaku UMKM mendapatkan sertifikat halal sebelum pemberlakuan wajib halal mulai 18 Oktober 2024 mendatang. Ini jadi salah satu cara Shopee membantu menyukseskan program Wajib Halal pada Oktober 2024 dan mendukung pemerintah...