Rabu , 11 May 2016, 19:01 WIB
Indonesian ice lolly seller becomes prominent chef in London

Ahad , 08 Nov 2015, 19:53 WIB
European snacks theme of Jakarta Street Food Festival

Selasa , 27 Oct 2015, 12:13 WIB
Eat around the World in 'Jakarta Foodies Meet'

Rabu , 05 Aug 2015, 17:54 WIB
Indonesia will become stage of the world in World Expo Milano 2015

Kamis , 18 Jun 2015, 16:50 WIB
Satai Maranggi Purwakarta to be patented

Senin , 15 Jun 2015, 23:22 WIB
Pempek Palembang can go global

Jumat , 16 May 2014, 00:21 WIB
Rendang, new symbol of Indonesia's culinary

Sabtu , 05 Oct 2013, 23:36 WIB
Publico, a nice spot with adventurous and creative dishes

Ahad , 14 Apr 2013, 21:59 WIB
Indonesia launches culinary promotion in Spain

Kamis , 12 Jul 2012, 21:19 WIB
Indonesian gastronomic week in Spain

Rabu , 27 Jun 2012, 18:04 WIB
West Sumatra holds Rendang Festival

Jumat , 22 Jun 2012, 17:03 WIB
Jakarta Fair, the heaven of Betawi culinary

A 465 meter spring roll breaks the record
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEMARANG - The making of 465 meter fried lumpia (spring roll -Ed) to celebrate the anniversary of Semarang on Sunday morning breaks the Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI). "At first it was only 450 meters. But our target is 465 meters. We then added it until reached 469 meters. But we only counted until 465 meters, as the age...

Senin , 06 Feb 2012, 15:57 WIB
Crispy ‘balok’ reaches the Netherlands

Ahad , 05 Feb 2012, 23:19 WIB
Refreshen yourself with asinan Mak Cuk!

Sabtu , 04 Feb 2012, 16:05 WIB
Geplak, the snack that needs to be 'slapped'

Kamis , 02 Feb 2012, 17:13 WIB
Sluuurppp.... Enjoy Selendang Mayang!

Rabu , 01 Feb 2012, 16:02 WIB