Selasa , 16 Oct 2018, 03:49 WIB
Jokowi tells UKI students about playing 'Mobile Legend'

Senin , 15 Oct 2018, 21:47 WIB
Indonesia has potential strength in human resources: Jokowi

Kamis , 05 Jul 2018, 09:05 WIB
World Bank to grant $400 million to deal with stunting

Jumat , 25 May 2018, 01:05 WIB
More preparation needed for Indonesia gold 2045: Jokowi

Selasa , 10 Apr 2018, 07:00 WIB
Country can be poor if it takes wrong policy: Sri Mulyani

Rabu , 05 Oct 2016, 21:00 WIB
'Indonesia needs to improve human resources quality'

Jumat , 13 Dec 2013, 12:05 WIB