Ahad , 01 Sep 2013, 18:58 WIB
Indonesia's Tin Exchanges officially launched

Ahad , 25 Aug 2013, 22:00 WIB
Govt drafts new formula on worker salary
Sabtu , 24 Aug 2013, 21:51 WIB
Minister asks PT Perhutani to build sago factory in Papua

Jumat , 31 May 2013, 22:00 WIB
Textile and footwear industries main contributors

Rabu , 15 May 2013, 20:56 WIB
Indonesia ambitious to be no 1 in oleochemicals industry

Senin , 18 Mar 2013, 21:00 WIB
Indonesia deemed among world’s worst mining jurisdictions

Sabtu , 16 Mar 2013, 22:34 WIB
Minister spurs Indonesian herbal industry

Ahad , 24 Feb 2013, 22:59 WIB
BNI provides industrial estate for Japanese investors

Jumat , 15 Feb 2013, 20:46 WIB
Minister worried cell phone tax inflict losses on consumers

Rabu , 13 Feb 2013, 18:23 WIB
Govt prepares nine industrial sectors for AEC 2015

Kamis , 07 Feb 2013, 22:21 WIB
House drafts laws to protect local industries

Rabu , 06 Feb 2013, 22:20 WIB
Ministry of Finance warns on non-oil and gas trade deficit

VW plans to build full manufacture in Indonesia
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Volkswagen (VW) Indonesia, PT Garuda Mataram Motor (GMM), plans to build full manufacture in Indonesia in the next four or five years. "It is not easy to build a manufacture. We need to study and calculation so that the VW production in Indonesia can contribute to VW sale in the world," President Director of PT GMM, Andrew...

Selasa , 15 Jan 2013, 21:56 WIB
US: Indonesia among countries practice dumping on shrimp export

Selasa , 08 Jan 2013, 20:50 WIB
Furniture exports up 6.96 percent

Selasa , 08 Jan 2013, 19:19 WIB
Export target of CPO set at 21 million tonnes in 2013

Senin , 07 Jan 2013, 19:50 WIB
Export value from North Sumatera to India worth 1.250 billion USD

Senin , 07 Jan 2013, 17:49 WIB
Semen Gresik rebrands to Semen Indonesia
Selasa , 01 Jan 2013, 22:00 WIB
New regulation on mobile phone issued

Ahad , 30 Dec 2012, 21:12 WIB
Govt wants to increase seaweed product

Kamis , 27 Dec 2012, 20:40 WIB
Indonesia cuts its rubber production

Selasa , 25 Dec 2012, 20:00 WIB
Govt to boost fishery export to Africa

Selasa , 25 Dec 2012, 18:30 WIB
Govt. will not impose tax on micro enterprise

Selasa , 18 Dec 2012, 18:14 WIB
Foxconn suspends its investment and demands incentives

Senin , 17 Dec 2012, 21:00 WIB
Govt to adjust import duty

China to build an industrial area in Eastern Indonesia
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesia and China will soon cooperate in building a new industrial area in East Indonesia. The area was a relocation from mineral industry which was located in China, Minister of Industry MS Hidayat said. "We will communicate with China. We will sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) G to G in the next 3 or 4 months when Prime...

Kamis , 06 Dec 2012, 21:56 WIB
Govt to improve investment climate to provide more jobs

Selasa , 04 Dec 2012, 23:00 WIB
October is the highest deficit in Indonesian history

Senin , 03 Dec 2012, 23:40 WIB
Japanese investors highlight the need of security guarantee

Senin , 03 Dec 2012, 23:24 WIB
SBY discusses unemployment issues with the cabinet

Kamis , 29 Nov 2012, 20:45 WIB
Telkom to launch a new satellite

Rabu , 28 Nov 2012, 19:45 WIB
Survey: Indonesian business prospect is promising

Selasa , 27 Nov 2012, 21:19 WIB
Govt provides tax holiday for at least 1 billion IDR investment

Senin , 26 Nov 2012, 19:20 WIB
Indonesia-Australia eyes close cooperation in automotive sector

Kamis , 22 Nov 2012, 21:10 WIB