Kamis , 06 Mar 2014, 18:55 WIB
US explores cooperation with W. Sumatra

Kamis , 06 Mar 2014, 18:28 WIB
PT Inalum to be declared as state-owned company

Rabu , 05 Mar 2014, 22:42 WIB
KAI records profit 560 billion IDR

Senin , 03 Mar 2014, 23:40 WIB
Govt: Wider access for community forests

Senin , 03 Mar 2014, 23:33 WIB
Permata Bank to focus on infrastructure sector

Senin , 03 Mar 2014, 22:53 WIB
February inflation is 0.26 percent

Senin , 03 Mar 2014, 12:59 WIB
Simalungun to grow arabica coffee

Jumat , 28 Feb 2014, 22:25 WIB
Indonesian and Korean companies build RFID plant in Bandung

Jumat , 28 Feb 2014, 19:01 WIB
Toyota builds passenger car engines' plant in Indonesia

Kamis , 27 Feb 2014, 18:12 WIB
Batik Air to fly to Singapore

Kamis , 27 Feb 2014, 00:18 WIB
BPOM: Beware of counterfeit drugs-cosmetics sold online

Rabu , 26 Feb 2014, 21:32 WIB
Govt: Four strategies to withdraw funds kept in Singapore

Minister: ASEAN free market has its advantage and disadvantage
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DENPASAR - Trade minister Muhammad Lutfi said that Without proper management, ASEAN free market was like rain which would bring not only advantage but also disadvantage. "People usually shut the door when it is raining but rain also brings land fertility. Regarding the free market, I think it will benefit Indonesia," Trade minister Muhammad Lutfi said on Monday. Indonesian government...

Sabtu , 22 Feb 2014, 22:39 WIB
Indonesia to boost fisheries production and exports

Kamis , 20 Feb 2014, 19:51 WIB
Indonesian cement industry has promising prospect

Sabtu , 15 Feb 2014, 20:47 WIB
Indonesia has 4.4 billion USD surplus in balance of payments

Jumat , 14 Feb 2014, 21:36 WIB
Some 60 traditional markets revitalized in 2014

Jumat , 14 Feb 2014, 17:30 WIB
Tourism to suffer from Mount Kelud eruption

Rabu , 12 Feb 2014, 19:41 WIB
Sharp opens its new plant in Karawang

Senin , 10 Feb 2014, 21:21 WIB
In tourism, Indonesia left behind by its neighbors

Kamis , 06 Feb 2014, 16:46 WIB
Merpati forced to shut down temporarily for consolidation

Senin , 03 Feb 2014, 20:37 WIB
ADM to export 6,000 low cost cars to the Philippines

Senin , 27 Jan 2014, 20:55 WIB
Foreign investment on horticulture restricted by 30 percent

Kamis , 23 Jan 2014, 20:43 WIB
Ministry: Oil and gas lifting is below the target

Kamis , 23 Jan 2014, 19:59 WIB
Bosowa starts LPG terminal construction in Banyuwangi

BKPM: Japan dominates investment in Indonesia in 2013
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Japan still dominated investment in Indonesia in 2013 worth 4.7 million USD compared to 2.5 million USD in previous year. They invested mostly in three main sectors consist of automotive, electronic and energy. "Japan is the main investor here, the followed by Singapore," Head of Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Mahendra Siregar said on Tuesday. All major brands of...

Senin , 09 Dec 2013, 23:42 WIB
Government officially takes over Inalum

Jumat , 06 Dec 2013, 15:40 WIB
Karawang allocates 1.8 billion IDR to dredge estuary

Ahad , 01 Dec 2013, 00:09 WIB
Vroom... Iran nuclear deal hits gas pedal for carmakers

Selasa , 29 Oct 2013, 15:49 WIB
Halal industry as a lifestyle in Indonesia

Senin , 21 Oct 2013, 17:26 WIB
Furniture exports targeted five billion USD

Senin , 30 Sep 2013, 12:25 WIB
Coca Cola invests 30 million USD in Medan

Sabtu , 28 Sep 2013, 13:07 WIB
Samsung keen to build smartphone factory in Indonesia

Kamis , 26 Sep 2013, 00:26 WIB
Indonesia has a promising cosmetics market

Rabu , 18 Sep 2013, 23:59 WIB