Jumat , 29 May 2020, 14:02 WIB
Tani Fund: Skema Bagi Hasil Bantu Petani

Jumat , 29 May 2020, 13:54 WIB
Investasi Rp 100 ribu, Tani Fund Jaring Investor Individu

Senin , 25 Aug 2014, 22:33 WIB
Selasa , 26 Oct 2021, 11:26 WIB
Fintech merupakan inovasi dalam layanan keuangan yang memanfaatkan teknologi, menurut Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Dikenal juga sebagai Fintech atau Financial Technology, inovasi di bidang jasa keuangan bermunculan seiring dengan berkembangnya...
Kamis , 15 Apr 2021, 05:45 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Indonesian Financial Services Authority (FSA/OJK) has registered 147 fintech loan companies as of March 30, 2021. This realization is down from the previous month's record of 148 companies. Based on the official statement of the OJK on Wednesday (14/4), the company that received a registered certificate was PT Gerakan Digital Akselerasi Indonesia. Since March 30, 2021, the total...
Jumat , 26 Mar 2021, 00:12 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) will pay dividends...
Kamis , 02 Jul 2020, 19:50 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Pinjaman permodalan dari fintech peer to...
Jumat , 05 Jun 2020, 06:14 WIB
Warta Ekonomi.co.id, Jakarta Taralite (PT Indonusa Bara Sejahtera), Fintech P2P lending...
Jumat , 29 May 2020, 14:02 WIB
Jumat , 29 May 2020, 13:54 WIB
Senin , 25 Aug 2014, 22:33 WIB