Senin , 25 Jun 2012, 20:54 WIB
Iraq invites Indonesian companies

Sabtu , 23 Jun 2012, 22:51 WIB
Indonesia's proven oil deposit only 4.2 bln barrels

Jumat , 22 Jun 2012, 18:57 WIB
Pertamina acquires Petrodela's share

Senin , 18 Jun 2012, 22:45 WIB
SBY: Tension in Middle East potentially undermines global economy

Kamis , 07 Jun 2012, 18:24 WIB
The talks stagnant, Govt considers to build its own oil refinery
Rabu , 06 Jun 2012, 20:49 WIB
Indonesia-India seek more cooperations in oil and gas sector

Senin , 04 Jun 2012, 19:39 WIB
Govt anticipates another state budget revision

Sabtu , 02 Jun 2012, 23:25 WIB
Indonesian reserved oil reaches 227 million barrels

Jumat , 01 Jun 2012, 19:18 WIB
Govt: Fuel prices rise next year

Rabu , 30 May 2012, 20:09 WIB
Here is energy saving 'ala' presidential palace

Rabu , 30 May 2012, 19:30 WIB
SBY: Five policies to save energy
Ahad , 27 May 2012, 21:29 WIB
Kadin: Increase the fuel price soon!
Pertamina to import oil without third party trader
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Pertamina will import crude and fuel oil directly to the producer or national oil company (NOC) without third party trader started from the third quarter of 2012. The import will be conducted carefully to prevent any risks, such as failure of import supply which leads to local energy crisis. The steps of import to NOC were being prepared, the Executive...

Sabtu , 07 Apr 2012, 14:52 WIB
Renewable energy is a must as oil reserves to run out in 11 years

Senin , 02 Apr 2012, 09:05 WIB
Students are still not happy with the House

Ahad , 01 Apr 2012, 22:01 WIB
STD, a device to reduce electricity subsidy

Ahad , 01 Apr 2012, 00:45 WIB
President hails article 7 amendment

Ahad , 01 Apr 2012, 00:30 WIB
Workers warn govt over hoarding of fuel

Sabtu , 31 Mar 2012, 23:59 WIB
Pertamina sanctions 30 gas stations

Sabtu , 31 Mar 2012, 23:43 WIB
Police arrest 53 suspects of Salemba clash

Sabtu , 31 Mar 2012, 19:23 WIB
House: No fuel price increase, yet

Sabtu , 31 Mar 2012, 18:20 WIB
No ICP meets the term to increase the fuel price

Selasa , 06 Mar 2012, 17:50 WIB
Indonesia to fly to the US on CPO issue

Kamis , 01 Mar 2012, 19:45 WIB
Govt prepares 30 trillion IDR for compensation
Rabu , 29 Feb 2012, 18:20 WIB