Kamis , 29 Feb 2024, 09:14 WIB
Ketua Komisi I DPR Sebut Prabowo Layak Peroleh Pangkat Jenderal Kehormatan
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Ketua Komisi I DPR RI, Meutya Hafid, menyebut pangkat Jenderal Kehormatan layak diterima Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto. Menhan Prabowo menerima pangkat Jenderal Kehormatan dari Presiden Joko Widodo...
Rabu , 28 Feb 2024, 20:02 WIB
Jokowi: Prabowo Privileged Rank Proposed Chief of Army
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that he will grant the privileged rank of Honorary Army General to Defense Minister (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto based on the proposal of Army Commander General Agus Subiyanto. “It all started from the bottom. Based on the proposal of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army, I agree to give a special promotion in...
Rabu , 28 Feb 2024, 11:18 WIB
Jokowi Ungkap Kenaikan Pangkat Istimewa Prabowo Usulan Panglima TNI
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mengatakan,...